Employee Directory

You can get full contact information for someone who works for a PEI government department or agency using “Search Employee Directory”.

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  • First or last name
  • Telephone number - just the last four digits will work
  • Email address
  • Position title, i.e. deputy minister or administrative assistant
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Bailey, Jennifer
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-368-5484 jmbailey@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Baird, Julie
Infection Control Professional (West Prince)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-960-4181 jdbaird@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Buchanan, Terralyn
Infection Control Professional (PCH)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Cell: 902-303-2786 tbuchanan@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Byrne, Patricia
Infection Control Professional (QEH)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Cell: 902-313-0317 pdebyrne@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Ferguson, Tara
Director, Infection Prevention and Control
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-620-3359 tlferguson@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Guitare, Cathy
Manager, Infection Prevention and Control
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-916-2093 caguitare@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
McSweeney, M. Katie
Infection Control Professional (Long-term Care - East Prince)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Cell: 902-303-2617 mkmcsweeney@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Wallace, Lindsey
Infection Control Professional (QEH)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Cell: 902-218-7597 lawallace@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)