Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 130 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Allen, Tracey
Senior Municipal Advisor
Housing, Land and Communities
Municipal Affairs
Tel: 902-218-4179 tallen@gov.pe.ca
Bakker, Jiselle
Manager of Strategic Initiatives
Je parle français
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Tel: 902-218-4633 jisellebakker@gov.pe.ca
Baldwin, David
Maintenance Trades Worker
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: 902-368-6802 Fax: 902-368-5471 drbaldwin@ihis.org
Blakely, Jeremy
Client Service Officer
Housing, Land and Communities
Tel: 902-620-3730 Fax: 902-368-5526 jpblakely@gov.pe.ca
Boulter, Jane
Legislative Research Officer
Housing, Land and Communities
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-368-4301 Cell: 782-772-6563 janeboulter@gov.pe.ca
Bradley, Darryl
Senior Advisor
Housing, Land and Communities
Tel: 902-626-8796 Cell: 902-626-8796 darrylbradley@gov.pe.ca
Bulger, Sam
Maintenance Trades Worker
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: 902-368-6802 Fax: 902-368-5471 wabulger@ihis.org
Burns, Robyn
Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister
Housing, Land and Communities
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-218-8569 rburns@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Donald I
Maintenance Trades Worker
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: (902) 888-8024 dicampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Natasha
Housing Officer
Housing, Land and Communities
PEI Housing Corporation
Housing Services
Tel: 902-838-5677 Fax: 902-838-0682 natacampbell@ihis.org