Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 32 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Arsenault, Alicia
Early Childhood F/P/T Project Manager
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-213-4764 Fax: 902-569-7532 aliciaarsenault@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Bernard, Francine
Bilingual Early Childhood Coach
Je parle français
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-438-4143 Fax: 902-438-4884 fmbernard@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Bernard, Lisa
Early Childhood Information Coordinator
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-438-4843 Fax: 902-438-4874 lcbernard@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Blanchfield, Daniel
Bilingual Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
dblanchfield@edu.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Cameron, Kelly
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-620-3753 kacameron@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Christiansen, Nickey
Administrative Clerk
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-288-1148 Fax: 902-569-7532 nachristiansen@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Doucette, Claire
Early Childhood Coach
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-438-4856 Fax: 902-438-4884 cdoucette@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Essery, Helena
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-620-3754 hdessery@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Gauthier, Roseanne
Junior Evaluation Analyst
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
rgauthier@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Gillis, Doreen
Director of Early Childhood Development
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-368-4733 Fax: 902-569-7532 degillis@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Hachey, Luke
Data & Reporting Coordinator
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-288-1398 Fax: 902-569-7532 lphachey@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Hachey, Sharon
Manager, Early Learning and Child Care Quality
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-368-5655 Fax: 902-368-4622 srhachey@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Hayes-McKenzie, Ann
Early Childhood Coach
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-620-3175 Fax: 902-569-7532 afhayesmckenzie@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Hogan, Nicolle
Early Childhood Coach
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-288-1065 Fax: 902-569-7532 nhhogan@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Hooper, Sonya
Assistant Deputy Minister of Early Years
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-370-6992 Fax: 902-569-7532 smhooper@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
Kelly, Martine
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-620-3753 Fax: 902-569-7532 mlkelly@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
MacConnell, Benita
Executive Administrative Assistant
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-370-5587 bmmacconnell@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
MacEachern, Diane
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-368-4496 dianemaceachern@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
MacEachern, Krista
Early Childhood Coach
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-368-6331 klmaceachern@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)
MacNeill, Sherla
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-438-4154 Fax: 902-438-4062 smmacneill@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)

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