Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
MacRae, Nicole
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-438-4842 nkmacrae@gov.pe.ca
Maloney, David
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-620-3031 dtmaloney@gov.pe.ca
McClean, Monique
Manager Early Learning and Childcare
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-368-6518 Fax: 902-569-7532 mmmcclean@gov.pe.ca
Miller, Tracy
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-620-3030 tjmiller@gov.pe.ca
Rochon, Danielle
Early Years Autism Manager
Je parle français
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-368-4472 Fax: 902-569-7532 dmrochon@gov.pe.ca
Rooban, Anne
Policy, Planning and Evaluation Manager
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-368-4715 Fax: 902-569-7532 annerooban@gov.pe.ca
Smith, Kaitlin
Early Childhood Coach
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-288-1110 Fax: 902-569-7532 kmsmith@gov.pe.ca
Stewart, Jaime
Early Childhood Coach
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Stover, Shannon
Early Years Autism Specialist
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-894-0324 Fax: 902-569-7532 smstover@gov.pe.ca
Vickerson, Shaylene
Early Childhood Coach
Education and Early Years
Early Childhood Development
Tel: 902-438-4855 srvickerson@gov.pe.ca

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