Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 43 of 43 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Banks, Shawn
Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5863 sabanks@gov.pe.ca
Bhatti, Ahmad
Watershed Hydrogeologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-916-0725 azbhatti@gov.pe.ca
Brown, Scott
Laboratory Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: (902) 894-0272 Fax: (902) 569-7778 sbbrown@gov.pe.ca
Cain, Angela
Administrative Assistant
Water and Air Monitoring
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-368-5014 Fax: 902-368-5830 alcain@gov.pe.ca
Cameron, Fraser
Pesticide Management Program Specialist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-368-5599 ftfcameron@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Charlie
Media/Glassware Preparation
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: (902) 894-0272 Fax: (902) 569-7778 cvcampbell@gov.pe.ca
Cheverie, Mike
Program Coordinator
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Waste Reduction, Recovery and Recycling
Tel: (902) 620-3877 Fax: (902) 368-5830 mccheverie@gov.pe.ca
Childs, Eddie
Drinking Water Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-218-7067 echilds@gov.pe.ca
Connolly-Brine, Lori C.
Manager, PEI Analytical Lab
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories

Animal Health, Regulatory, and Analytical Laboratories
P.E.I. Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-368-5671 Fax: 902-368-6299 lcconnolly@gov.pe.ca
Dean, Joe-Anne
Administrative Support
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5395 joeannedean@gov.pe.ca
Doucette, Cory
Lab Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: (902) 569-7520 cxdoucette@gov.pe.ca
Dowling, David
Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5395 djdowling@gov.pe.ca
Foy, Morley P.Eng.
Manager (Acting) Drinking Water and Wastewater
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-368-5036 Fax: 902-368-5830 mmfoy@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Michelle
Environment Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-916-1062 michellegallant@GOV.PE.CA
Gamble, Scott
On-site Septic Coordinator
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-218-4831 Fax: 902-368-5830 segamble@gov.pe.ca
Handrahan, Candace
Surface Water Technician Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: (902) 313-0047 chandrahan@gov.pe.ca
Hill, Shawn J.
ALUS Coordinator/Environment Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-394-1472 Fax: 902-368-5830 sjhill@gov.pe.ca
Jackson, Barry
Manager, Product Stewardship and Regulatory Affairs
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Waste Reduction, Recovery and Recycling
Tel: 902-368-5173 Fax: 902-368-5830 bajackson@gov.pe.ca
Jenkins, Hannah
Acting Manager
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5059 Fax: 902-368-5395 hljenkins@gov.pe.ca
King, Marcus
Acting Drinking Water and Wastewater Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-314-0704 Fax: 902-368-5830 mrking@gov.pe.ca
Knysh, Kyle
Surface Water Biologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-368-5179 kmknysh@gov.pe.ca
Lanigan, Ben
Acting Approvals & Compliance Engineer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-368-5043 Fax: 902-368-5830 bpklanigan@gov.pe.ca
Larsen, Patti
Laboratory Technologist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: (902) 894-0272 Fax: (902) 569-7778 pllarsen@gov.pe.ca
Ledgerwood, Sean
Acting Manager of Water and Air Monitoring
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-368-4686 Fax: 902-368-5830 seledgerwood@gov.pe.ca
Li, Qing
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: (902) 368-4668 Fax: (902) 368-5830 qli@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Kenny
Air Quality Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-961-7296 Fax: 902-961-7298 kxmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacLeod, Angela
Microbiology, Dairy and Plant Diagnostic Supervisor
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories

Animal Health, Regulatory, and Analytical Laboratories
P.E.I. Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-368-5701 Fax: 902-569-7778 admacleod@gov.pe.ca
MacNeill, Marlene
Quality Assurance Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories

Animal Health, Regulatory, and Analytical Laboratories
P.E.I. Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-368-5622 Fax: 902-569-7778 mcmacneill@gov.pe.ca
Mitchell, Scott
Hazardous Materials and Remediation Specialist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5830 rsmitchell@gov.pe.ca
Monaghan, Randy
Enviromental Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-314-6470 rwmonaghan@gov.pe.ca
Nguyen, Steven
Lab Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-894-0272 Fax: 902-563-7778 stanguyen@gov.pe.ca
Perry, Darlene
Administrative Support Worker
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-620-3301 Fax: 902-563-7778 dperry@gov.pe.ca
Pinkham, Sandra
Laboratory Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
PEI Analytical Laboratories
Tel: 902-894-0272 Fax: 902-563-7778 spinkham@gov.pe.ca
Quigley, Chad
Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5395 cquigley@gov.pe.ca
Robbins, Jocelyn
Contaminated Sites Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Cell: 902-394-5312 Fax: 902-368-5830 jarobbins@gov.pe.ca
Robertson, Glen
Water and Air Specialist
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: 902-314-0046 gsrobertson@gov.pe.ca
Schofield, Shawn
Ag-Environment Team Leader
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: 902-393-5285 Fax: 902-368-5830 seschofield@gov.pe.ca
Sherry, Lucas
On-site Septic Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-368-5700 Fax: 902-368-5395 lsherry@gov.pe.ca
Simmons, Jane
Enviromental Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Fax: 902-368-5830 jsimmons@gov.pe.ca
Taweel, Ethan
Senior Environmental Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Drinking Water and Wastewater Management
Tel: 902-218-4267 Fax: 902-368-5830 edtaweel@gov.pe.ca
Thompson, Dale
Environmental Assessment Officer
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Environmental Land Management
Tel: (902) 368-5049 Fax: (902) 368-5830 DETHOMPSON@gov.pe.ca
Toombs, Gavin
Water Registry Technician
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Water and Air Monitoring
Tel: (902) 213-3244 Fax: (902) 368-5830 gbtoombs@gov.pe.ca
Wilson, Greg
Acting Director, Environment Regulatory Division
Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Environment Regulatory
Tel: 902-368-5274 Fax: 902-368-5830 gbwilson@gov.pe.ca