Employee Directory

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  • Position title, i.e. deputy minister or administrative assistant
Displaying 1 - 60 of 320 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Clory, Stephen R.
CV Enforcement Officer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Highway Safety
Tel: (902) 962-7420 Fax: (902) 962-7420 srclory@gov.pe.ca
Coady, Nancy
Dispatch, Queens County
Transportation and Infrastructure
Highway Maintenance
Highway Maintenance Operations
Tel: 902-368-4770 Fax: 902-368-6244 nlcoady@gov.pe.ca
Collins, Matt P.Eng.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 620-3323 Fax: (902) 368-5425 mscollins@gov.pe.ca
Collins, Stephen
Office Worker
Transportation and Infrastructure
Tel: 902-652-8971 Fax: 902-652-8978 skcollins@gov.pe.ca
Corkum, Brady
Apprentice Mechanic
Transportation and Infrastructure
Tel: 902-303-5928 bcorkum@gov.pe.ca
Costello, Kenneth
Deputy Registrar
Transportation and Infrastructure
Highway Safety
Tel: 902-368-5223 Fax: 902-368-5236 kencostello@gov.pe.ca
Cousins, Lynn
Admin Support
Transportation and Infrastructure
Highway Maintenance
Mechanical Branch
Tel: 902-432-2713 Fax: 902-888-8283 lacousins@gov.pe.ca
Crandall, Jeff G.
Project Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-652-3004 Fax: 902-652-8978 jgcrandall@gov.pe.ca
Crane, Ryan M
Hwy Design Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Design and Bridge Maintenance
Tel: (902) 368-6873 Fax: (902) 368-5395 rmcrane@gov.pe.ca
Craswell, Carol SR/WA
Manager, Provincial Lands
Transportation and Infrastructure
Land and Environment
Tel: 902-368-6119 Fax: 902-368-5395 cmcraswell@gov.pe.ca
Creed, Debbie
HR Officer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Public Service Commission
HR Management and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-5572 Fax: 902-894-0368 dpcreed@gov.pe.ca
Crozier, Laura
Transportation and Infrastructure
Tel: 902-888-8001 Fax: 902-888-8306 llcrozier@gov.pe.ca
Cuddy, Joyce
Customer Services Representative
Transportation and Infrastructure
Service PEI
Access PEI
Access PEI Montague
Tel: 902-838-0603 Fax: 902-838-0610 jecuddy@gov.pe.ca
Cudmore, Blake
Building Construction Inspector
Transportation and Infrastructure
Public Works and Planning
Building Design and Construction
Cell: 902-940-4794 Fax: 902-569-0590 blakecudmore@gov.pe.ca
Deagle, Pamela
Lab Technican
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 pedeagle@gov.pe.ca
Denney, Christopher
Driver Improvement Officer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Highway Safety
Tel: 902-368-4838 Fax: 902-368-6269 cwdenney@gov.pe.ca
DesRoches, Jennifer
Receptionist - Slemon Park Maintenance Depot
Transportation and Infrastructure
Highway Maintenance
Highway Maintenance Operations
Tel: 902-888-8271 jndesroche@GOV.PE.CA
DesRoches, Jenny L
Admin Support
Transportation and Infrastructure
Finance and Human Resources

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: (902) 882-0491 Fax: (902) 882-0484 jlmatthews@gov.pe.ca
Deveaux-MacKinnon, Lori
Contact PEI Senior Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Tel: 1-833-734-1873 lmdeveaux@gov.pe.ca
Devine, Jack
Lab Technican
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 jedevine@gov.pe.ca