Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 62 of 62 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
A'Hearn, Leanna
Sign Shop Supervisor
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-882-7350 Fax: 902-882-7361 lahearn@gov.pe.ca
Aitken, Alan P.Eng.
Traffic Operations Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: (902) 368-5006 Fax: (902) 368-5425 aaaitken@gov.pe.ca
Baker, Paul
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 888-8012 Fax: (902) 888-8294 pgbaker@gov.pe.ca
Barnett, Myles
Project Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: (902) 853-0424 Fax: (902) 853-8698 mwbarnett@gov.pe.ca
Cairns, Janet
Asphalt Plant Inspector
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 676-7981 Fax: (902) 676-7994
Cheverie, Tim
Materials Lab Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7979 Fax: 902-676-7994 tgcheverie@gov.pe.ca
Collins, Matt P.Eng.
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 620-3323 Fax: (902) 368-5425 mscollins@gov.pe.ca
Crandall, Jeff G.
Project Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-652-3004 Fax: 902-652-8978 jgcrandall@gov.pe.ca
Crane, Ryan M
Hwy Design Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Design and Bridge Maintenance
Tel: (902) 368-6873 Fax: (902) 368-5395 rmcrane@gov.pe.ca
Deagle, Pamela
Lab Technican
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 pedeagle@gov.pe.ca
Devine, Jack
Lab Technican
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 jedevine@gov.pe.ca
Driscoll, Brett
Resident Engineer (Eastern Region)
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: 902-213-2964 bddriscoll@gov.pe.ca
Ellis, Terry Lee
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: (902) 438-4037 Fax: (902) 888-8291
Evans, Darrell P.Eng.
Manager Design and Bridge Maintenance
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Design and Bridge Maintenance
Tel: (902) 569-0578 Fax: (902) 368-5395 djevans@gov.pe.ca
FitzGerald, Patrick M.
Office Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 888-8287 Fax: (902) 888-8291 pmfitzgerald@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Tracy A.
Sign Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-882-0488 Fax: 902-882-7361 tgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gaudet, Bev
Lab Technican
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 bagaudet@gov.pe.ca
Gillis, Sam
CADD Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Gordon, Brad
Resident Engineer Eastern Region
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-368-6455 Fax: 902-368-6244 bcgordon@gov.pe.ca
Gotell, Philip
Acting Resident Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Engineering Services
Tel: 902-368-3569 Fax: 902-383-5395 pdgotell@gov.pe.ca
Griffin, Doug
Survey CAD Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: 902-368-5070 Fax: 902-368-5395 dgriffin@gov.pe.ca
Haslam, Stephen
Regulation Compliance Coordinator
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-368-6215 Fax: 902-368-5385 slhaslam@gov.pe.ca
Hoy, Kenny
Bridge Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Design and Bridge Maintenance
Tel: (902) 368-5187 Fax: (902) 368-6244 kphoy@gov.pe.ca
LaBrech, Todd
Project Manager/HPMA Administrator
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: 902-368-5035 Fax: 902-368-5425 tmlabrech@gov.pe.ca
Langille, Matt
Assistant Traffic Data Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-218-0738 mlangille@gov.pe.ca
Lawless, Neil G
Senior Bridge Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Design and Bridge Maintenance
Tel: 902-620-3563 Fax: 902-368-5395 nglawless@gov.pe.ca
MacAulay, Bernadine M.
Administrative Support
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-652-8977 Fax: 902-652-8978 BXMACAULAY@gov.pe.ca
MacCormac, Michelle F
Traffic Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: (902) 368-5183 Fax: (902) 368-5425 mfmaccormack@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Brian
Field Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 bcmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Chris
Field Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 cwmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Dan
GIS-T Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Engineering Services
Tel: (902) 368-5158 Cell: Fax: (902) 368-5425 wdmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Danny
Project Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-368-6287 dxmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Paul A.
Traffic Operations Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-652-3002 Fax: 902-652-8978 angusmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacInnis, Eric A.
Project Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: 902-652-8975 Fax: 902-652-8978 eamacinnis@gov.pe.ca
MacKinley, Jamie
Paint Truck Operator-Supervisor
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-629-9282 jjmackinley@gov.pe.ca
MacLellan, Carter
Field Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 cdmaclellan@gov.pe.ca
MacLellan, Charles
Field Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 ccmmaclellan@gov.pe.ca
MacPhee, Steven
Lab Technican
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 swmacphee@gov.pe.ca
McCarthy, Sheri
Administrative Assistant
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-370-6993 Fax: 902-368-6244 slmccarthy@gov.pe.ca
McKay, Noreen
District Checker
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
McMillan, George
Lab Supervisor
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 438-4045 Fax: (902) 438-4046 gemcmillan@gov.pe.ca
Morrison, Vince
Project Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 894-0236 Cell: (902) 626-5387 Fax: (902) 368-5395 vjmorrison@gov.pe.ca
Morrissey, Erika
Administrative Assistant
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-368-5180 Fax: 902-368-5425 edmorrissey@gov.pe.ca
Murphy, Craig S
Project Manager
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-652-3005 Fax: 902-652-8978 csmurphy@gov.pe.ca
Myers, Keegan
Lab Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7986 Fax: 902-676-7994 kfmyers@gov.pe.ca
Ostridge, John Mark
Lab Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7981 Fax: 902-676-7994 jmostridge@gov.pe.ca
Paynter, Trevor A.
Pre Parking Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: (902) 438-4037 Fax: (902) 888-8291 tapaynter@gov.pe.ca
Peters, Jerald H.
Traffic Operations, Western
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-888-8273 Fax: 902-888-8291 jjpeters@gov.pe.ca
Pigott, Stephen P.Eng.
Regional Engineer - Eastern
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-368-5924 Fax: 902-368-6244 sbpigott@gov.pe.ca
Rayner, Kelly L
GIS Technician
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: 902-368-5106 Fax: 902-368-5425 klrayner@gov.pe.ca
Sampson, Jeff
Manager-Traffic Operations
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-368-5102 Fax: 902-368-5425 jjsampson@gov.pe.ca
Schurman, Hal
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: (902) 888-8274 Fax: (902) 888-8291
Sherren, Mark P.Eng.
Western Regional Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-368-6195 Fax: 902-368-5425 mesherren@gov.pe.ca
Singer, Daren
Asphalt Plant Inspector
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7981 Fax: 902-676-7994 drjsinger@gov.pe.ca
Smith, Larry
Asphalt Plant Inspector
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7981 Fax: 902-676-7994 lwlsmith@gov.pe.ca
Sorrey, David
Weigher Support
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Highway Construction
Tel: 902-626-9760 dbsorrey@gov.pe.ca
Victor, Darin
Structural Inspector
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: 902-368-6588 Fax: 902-676-7994 dwvictor@gov.pe.ca
Wallace, Brett P.Eng.
Manager of Traffic Data Collection and Analysis Engineer
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Traffic Operations
Tel: 902-368-5107 Fax: 902-368-5425 bawallace@gov.pe.ca
Warren, Paul
Assistant Bridge Maintenance
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Design and Bridge Maintenance
Tel: 902-368-5187 Fax: 902-368-6244 prwarren@gov.pe.ca
Whitlock, Jennifer
Admiistrative Assistant
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: 902-676-7981 Fax: 902-676-7994 jlwhitlock@gov.pe.ca
Wood, Nancy
Lab Supervisor
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Materials Lab
Tel: 902-676-7983 Fax: 902-676-7994 newood@gov.pe.ca
Yeo, Stephen J P.Eng.
Director of Capital Projects
Transportation and Infrastructure
Capital Projects
Tel: (902) 368-5105 Fax: (902) 368-5425 sjyeo@gov.pe.ca