Employee Directory
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Displaying 1 - 600 of 750 records.
Name / Title | Organization / Division / Section | Contact | |
McKenna, Kimberley
Safety Officer East |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-394-7572 | kimmckenna@ihis.org |
McKenna, Nora A
Pharmacist |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: 902-368-4904 Fax: 902-894-2911 | namckenna@ihis.org |
McKenna, Troy
Utility Worker |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-213-4843 | troymckenna@ihis.org |
McLaine, John
Tradesperson |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 | jdmclaine@ihis.org |
McLean, Everton
Chief Communications Officer |
Health PEI Communications |
Cell: 902-213-1507 Fax: 902-368-4974 | emclean@gov.pe.ca |
McLellan, Krista
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant |
Health PEI Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics Quality and Patient Safety |
Tel: 902-393-0838 | kjmclellan@ihis.org |
McNally, Laurie A
Complaints Resolution Officer |
Health PEI Medical Affairs Medical Affairs Administration |
Tel: 902-213-2994 | lamcnally@ihis.org |
McNeill, Marisa
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services |
Tel: 902-569-7641 Fax: 902-569-0597 | mmcneill@ihis.org |
Mellish, Janice
Out-of-Province Liaison Nurse |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Patient Flow and System Utilization |
Tel: (902) 473-7082 Fax: (902) 717-3831 Toll-free: (866) 232-3042 | janice.mellish@nshealth.ca |
Mihalijevich, Dr. Amy
Dentist |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services |
Tel: 902-368-5460 | amihalijevich@ihis.org |
Mill, Danielle L
Pharmacist |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 687-7150 Fax: (902) 687-7175 | dmmill@ihis.org |
Millar, Ann
Stroke Navigator |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Fax: (902) 368-6936 Toll-free: (844) 871-0634 | aemillar@ihis.org |
Miller, Edna
Administrator (Community Hospitals East) |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Community Hospitals East |
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 | eamiller@ihis.org |
Miller, Todd J
Strategic Sourcing Manager |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-218-3629 Fax: 902-894-2384 | tojmiller@ihis.org |
Milley, Brian
Pharmacy Tech |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 | bcmilley@ihis.org |
Milligan, Karen
HR Manager - Provincial Programs and Primary Care |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-620-3090 Fax: 902-368-4969 | klmilligan@ihis.org |
Milligan, Rachel
Administrative Assistant Je parle français |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: (902) 438-4129 Fax: (902) 888-8338 | rmmilligan@gov.pe.ca |
Mills, April
Manager, Emergency Department |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 902-620-0407 Fax: 902-894-0023 | jeamills@gov.pe.ca |
Mills, Julia
Administrative Support Je parle français |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Tel: (902) 854-7259 Fax: (902) 854-7270 | jmmills@ihis.org |
Moase, Kent S
Procurement Technician |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-438-4273 Fax: 902-438-4271 | ksmoase@ihis.org |
Mol, Eva
Manager of Home Care (Queens) |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Home-based Care |
Tel: (902) 368-4790 Fax: (902) 368-4858 | evmol@ihis.org |
Molyneaux, Darlene
Youth Addictions Counsellor |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions Community Programs |
Tel: 902-368-4285 Fax: 902-628-2118 | damolyneaux@ihis.org |
Molyneaux, Norah C
Procurement Technician |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-620-3427 Fax: 902-368-5608 | ncmolyneaux@ihis.org |
Momcilovic, Ilona
Pharmacy Supervisory Technician |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 | imomcilovic@ihis.org |
Mooney, Chris G
Information Coordinator |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-838-0922 Fax: 902-838-0940 | cgmooney@ihis.org |
Moore, Emma
MSIP Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-213-5293 | emoore@ihis.org |
Morrison, Janice
QEH Manager of Volunteer Services |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: (902) 894-2151 Fax: (902) 894-0228 | JXMORRISON@gov.pe.ca |
Morrow, June
Website and Project Coordinator |
Health PEI Communications |
Tel: 902-368-5810 | jmmorrow@ihis.org |
Morton, Teresa
CareNet/Orders Clinical Analyst |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation e-Health Clinical Operations |
Tel: 902-368-5579 Fax: 902-620-3388 | temorton@ihis.org |
Mosher, Jillian
Manager, Public Health Nursing (Central) |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services |
Tel: 902-368-4532 Fax: 902-368-4497 | jrmosher@ihis.org |
Mullen, Adam
Maintenance Tradesperson |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 902-368-5400 Fax: 902-368-5467 | adammullen@ihis.org |
Munro, Kim
Project Manager |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-916-0645 | kimmunro@ihis.org |
Murphy, Adam
System Optimization Analyst |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Patient Flow and System Utilization |
Tel: 902-569-7653 Fax: 902-368-6136 | ajmurphy@ihis.org |
Murphy, Amanda L
Medicare Eligibility Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-838-0955 Fax: 902-838-0940 | almurphy@ihis.org |
Murphy, Mark
Fiscal Analyst |
Health PEI Financial Services Fiscal Planning and Audit |
Tel: 902-368-6177 Fax: 902-368-6136 | markmurphy@ihis.org |
Murphy, Sarah
Pharmacy Technician 2 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 | saramurphy@ihis.org |
Murphy, Tanya
Patient Navigator |
Health PEI Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics Patient Experience |
Tel: 902-620-3418 Fax: 902-368-6136 Toll-free: 1-844-882-3141 | patientnavigator@gov.pe.ca |
Mutch, Leanne
RIM Coordinator |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation Privacy and Information Management |
Tel: 902-368-6891 Fax: 902-368-6136 | lmmutch@ihis.org |
Mutch, Stephen J.
Financial Analyst/Auditor |
Health PEI Financial Services Fiscal Planning and Audit |
Tel: 902-368-5809 Fax: 902-368-6136 | sjmutch@gov.pe.ca |
Myatt, Trudy
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #1 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: (902) 894-2427 Fax: (902) 894-2598 | tlmyatt@gov.pe.ca |
Myers, Shawn
Clinical Application Specialist |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation e-Health Clinical Operations |
Tel: 902-894-0248 Fax: 902-620-3388 | skmyers@ihis.org |
Myers, Whitney
Ward Clerk |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions Acute and Complex Care |
Tel: 902-368-4048 Fax: 902-569-0512 | wmyers@ihis.org |
Myers-Taylor, Courtney
Infection Control Professional (QEH) |
Health PEI Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics Infection Prevention and Control |
Tel: 902-894-2525 | csmyers-taylor@ihis.org |
Myroniuk, Andrea
Strategic Sourcing Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-916-0770 Fax: 902-438-4271 | almyroniuk@ihis.org |
Nangreaves, Jessica
Executive Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 902-894-2351 | jsnangreaves@ihis.org |
Narayanan, ArunKumar
RN |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions Acute and Complex Care |
Tel: 902-838-4048 Fax: 902-838-6229 | anarayanan@ihis.org |
Nelson, Ruth
Core Clinical Analyst |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation e-Health Clinical Operations |
Tel: 902-620-3231 Fax: 902-620-3388 | rlnelson@ihis.org |
Neumeyer, Ryan
Acting Strategic Sourcing Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-213-9353 Fax: 902-894-2384 | rgneumeyer@ihis.org |
Nied-Kutterer, Anja
Colorectal/Cervical Cancer Screening Coordinator |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Tel: (902) 620-3616 Fax: (902) 368-6936 Toll-free: (888) 561-2233 | aniedkutterer@ihis.org |
Nixon, Jill
Manager, Safety and Violence Prevention |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-916-0657 | jnixon@ihis.org |
Noble, Heather
Recorded Information Management Clerk |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation Privacy and Information Management |
Tel: 902-569-7667 Fax: 902-368-6136 | hanoble@ihis.org |
Norquay, Wade
Provincial Lung Cancer Prevention and Screening Coordinator |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Tel: 902-940-5126 | wsfnorquay@ihis.org |
Norton, Cheryl
Manager, Support Services |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Community Hospitals East |
Tel: 902-687-7105 | clnorton@ihis.org |
O'Brien, Mary Jean
Manager, Diagnostic Services |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services |
Tel: 902-859-3925 902-853-3205 | mjobrien@ihis.org |
O'Brien, Samantha
Finance Clerk (AP/AR) |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-894-0178 Fax: 902-620-3162 | smobrien@ihis.org |
O'Connor, Liam
Procurement Technician |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-894-2920 Fax: 902-894-2384 | lrhoconnor@ihis.org |
O'Keefe, Cheryl
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-687-7090 Fax: 902-687-7103 | ccokeefe@ihis.org |
O'Meara, Crystal-Lynn
HR Manager - Support Services |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-894-2526 Fax: 902-894-2424 | crystallomeara@ihis.org |
O'Meara, Michael
Manager of Accounting Services |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-213-4127 Fax: 902-368-6136 | momeara@gov.pe.ca |
O'Rourke, Valerie I
Pharmacist |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 894-2939 Fax: (902) 894-2911 | viorourke@ihis.org |
Oakes, Darlene
Administrator, Margaret Stewart Ellis Home and Maplewood Manor |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: (902) 859-8734 Fax: (902) 859-8774 | dhoakes@ihis.org |
Olasimno, Adeola
Talent Acquisition Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
aolasimno@ihis.org | |
Oliver, Jonathan
Director of Facilities |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions Facility Operations |
Tel: 902-368-5404 | jdoliver@ihis.org |
Oliver, Liza C
Pharmacy Technician 2 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 894-2025 Fax: (902) 894-2911 | lcoliver@ihis.org |
Oulton, Airalee
Talent Acquisition Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
aoulton@ihis.org | |
O’Neill, Keith
Project Lead LTC IT InterRAI |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-620-3853 Fax: 902-620-3072 | koneill@ihis.org |
Pacpaco, Mark
Infection Control Professional (Community) |
Health PEI Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics Infection Prevention and Control |
Tel: 902-368-7744 | mpacpaco@ihis.org |
Palmer, Allen
Maintenance Tradesperson |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 | adpalmer@ihis.org |
Palmer, Joy L
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-438-4383 Fax: 902-438-4381 | jlpalmer@ihis.org |
Paquet, Krista
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow |
kmpaquet@ihis.org | |
Parkman, Alicia
Human Resources Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-5413 Cell: 902-213-4634 | aparkman@ihis.org |
Payne, Brad
Pharmacy Manager |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: 902-894-0182 Fax: 902-894-2911 | bspayne@ihis.org |
Paynter, Tracy
Accounts Payable Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-438-4386 Fax: 902-438-4381 | tpaynter@ihis.org |
Penny, Teresa A
Accounts Payable Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-620-3156 Fax: 902-620-3162 | tapenny@ihis.org |
Penny, Tina
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation Policy, Planning and Evaluation |
Tel: 902-368-6367 Fax: 902-620-3072 | tlpenny@ihis.org |
Perry, Jason
Utility Worker |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-831-7900 | jasonperry@ihis.org |
Peters, David A
Buyer - Queens |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-368-6233 Fax: 902-368-5608 | dapeters@ihis.org |
Peters, Robbie
Interim Chief Financial Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services |
Tel: 902-314-0190 | rpeters@ihis.org |
Peters, Wayne
Phamacist |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: 902-438-4415 Fax: 902-438-4296 | whbpeters@ihis.org |
Phillips, Christina
Administrator, Community Hospitals West |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Community Hospitals West |
Tel: 902-853-8663 Fax: 902-853-8658 | clphillips@ihis.org |
Phillips, Courtney
Physiotherapist |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Tel: 902-218-5319 Fax: 902-569-0579 | cphillips@gov.pe.ca |
Phillips, Russel
Financial Assessment Worker |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: (902) 368-6384 Fax: (902) 368-6136 | rphillips@ihis.org |
Pickering, Sherry
Home Care Program Development Lead |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Home-based Care |
Tel: (902) 620-3049 Fax: (902) 368-6136 | slpickering@ihis.org |
Pickles, Lisa
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-368-5946 | llpickles@ihis.org |
Pierre, Cheryl
Nova Scotia Out-of-Province Liaison Nurse |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Patient Flow and System Utilization |
Tel: 506-860-2246 Fax: 506-875-6846 Toll-free: 855-860-2246 | cheryl.pierre@horizonnb.ca |
Pigott, Brady
SurgiNet Clinical Analyst |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation e-Health Clinical Operations |
Tel: 902-620-3767 Fax: 902-620-3388 | bcpigott@gov.pe.ca |
Pike, Rachelle
Women's Wellness Program Manager |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Toll-free: (844) 365-8285 | rpike@gov.pe.ca |
Pinkham, Shalyn
Children with Complex Needs Coordinator |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services |
slpinkham@ihis.org | |
Pitre, Janessa
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources |
Tel: 902-218-3248 Fax: 902-368-4969 | jkpitre@ihis.org |
Pitre, Jennifer
Interim Director of Nursing, LTC Queens East |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-218-3896 Fax: 902-368-5946 | jrpitre@ihis.org |
Power, Joanne
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-894-2987 Fax: 902-894-2279 | jpower@ihis.org |
Power, Kelley
Administrative Coordinator (Chief Administrative Office) |
Health PEI Corporate Services |
Tel: 902-916-2058 Fax: 902-368-4974 | kapower@ihis.org |
Powers, Arlene
Out-of-Province Health Services Coordinator |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Patient Flow and System Utilization |
Tel: 902-368-6516 Fax: 902-569-0581 | arpowers@gov.pe.ca |
Powers, Cassandra
Pharmacy Technician |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 | cppowers@ihis.org |
Praught, Crystal
Manager of Home Care (Prince County) |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Home-based Care |
Tel: (902) 888-8440 Fax: (902) 888-8439 | cdpraught@ihis.org |
Praught, Lindsay
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant |
Health PEI Human Resources Wellness and Safety |
Tel: 902-218-0621 | limpraught@ihis.org |
Pridham, Cynthia
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 613-206-1305 Fax: 902-888-8338 | ccpridham@ihis.org |
Pritchard, Amanda
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics Infection Prevention and Control |
Tel: 902-368-5484 Fax: 902-368-6136 | ampritchard@ihis.org |
Profitt, Colby
Buyer - Queens |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-368-6233 | cwprofitt@ihis.org |
Profitt, Kelly J
Pharmacy Technician 2 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 | kjprofitt@gov.pe.ca |