Employee Directory
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Displaying 1 - 60 of 750 records.
Name / Title | Organization / Division / Section | Contact | |
Acorn, Debbie
Clinical MH Therapist |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions Community Programs |
Tel: 902-838-0960 Fax: 902-838-0961 | daacorn@gov.pe.ca |
Adams, Katie
HR Analyst |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-916-1346 | katieadams@ihis.org |
Adegbembo, Dr. Albert O
Senior Dental Consultant |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services |
Tel: 902-368-4915 Fax: 902-368-4922 Toll-free: 866-368-5460 | aoadegbembo@ihis.org |
Aitken, Lisa
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-213-5294 | laitken@ihis.org |
Allen, Jennifer
HR Coordinator |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 | jenniferallen@gov.pe.ca |
Allen, Morgan
Medical Secretary |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions |
Tel: 902-368-5464 Fax: 902-620-3077 | mhallen@ihis.org |
Anderson, Kathy
Nurse Manager |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-368-4353 Fax: 902-368-5946 | klanderson@ihis.org |
Andrew, Catherine
PCU Nurse Manager |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Prince County Hospital |
Tel: 902-432-4706 Fax: 902-438-4371 | cjandrew@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Ashley
Acting Strategic Sourcing Officer |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-213-2279 Fax: 902-438-4271 | alarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Christine
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-432-2643 Fax: 902-438-4381 | christinearsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Denise
FirstNet Clinical Analyst |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation e-Health Clinical Operations |
Tel: 902-368-4515 Fax: 902-620-3388 | demarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Dylana
Executive Director |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow |
dylanaarsenault@ihis.org | |
Arsenault, Elise
French Language Services Analyst Je parle français |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
Tel: 902-854-7441 902-314-2272 Fax: 902-368-4969 | elisearsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Julie A
Accounts Receivable Supervisor |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: (902) 620-3153 Fax: (902) 620-3162 | jaarsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Sarah
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: (902) 853-8661 Fax: (902) 853-0408 | saraharsenault@ihis.org |
Arsenault, Tara J
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk |
Health PEI Financial Services Comptroller's Office |
Tel: 902-438-4529 Fax: 902-438-4381 | tjarsenault@ihis.org |
Ashley, Ruthie
Administrative Support, Public Health Nursing (West Prince) |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services |
Tel: 902-859-8720 Fax: 902-859-0399 | rbashley@ihis.org |
Atkinson, Dave
Senior Communications Officer |
Health PEI Communications |
Tel: 902-213-5936 Fax: 902-368-4974 | datkinson@ihis.org |
Aucoin, Jules
Financial Assessment Worker |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-438-4043 Fax: 902-888-8369 | jdaucoin@ihis.org |
Auld, Betty
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant |
Health PEI Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics Quality and Patient Safety |
Tel: 902-620-3497 Fax: 902-368-6136 | blauld@ihis.org |
Austin, Andrew
HR Manager - Long-Term Care/Central |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-218-5174 | aaustin@ihis.org |
Bailey, Dodi
HR Manager - East |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 | dlbailey@ihis.org |
Bain, Denise
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
Tel: 902-368-5413 Fax: 902-368-4969 | dmbain@ihis.org |
Baird, Julie
Infection Control Professional (West Prince) |
Health PEI Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics Infection Prevention and Control |
Tel: 902-960-4181 | jdbaird@ihis.org |
Banks, Cheryl
Acting Administrator |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Community Hospitals West |
Tel: 902-853-8663 902-859-8718 | cabanks@ihis.org |
Bannon, Colleen
Nurse Manager |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Community Hospitals West |
Tel: 902-859-0361 | cmbannon@ihis.org |
Barbour, Karen R
Buyer - Prince |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-853-8695 Fax: 902-853-8694 | krbarbour@ihis.org |
Barkhouse, Chad
Occupational Therapist |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Community Hospitals West |
Tel: 902-960-2970 | cvbarkhouse@ihis.org |
Barnes, Kari
Director |
Health PEI Human Resources HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development |
Tel: 902-213-4823 | kbarnes@ihis.org |
Barnes, Ross
Strategic Sourcing Manager |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-598-8858 Fax: 902-894-2384 | rhbarnes@ihis.org |
Barquilla, Myra
Telecommunications Technician |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 902-894-2111 | mbarquilla@ihis.org |
Barrett, Becky
Foundations Clinical Analyst |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation e-Health Clinical Operations |
Tel: 902-620-3769 Fax: 902-620-3388 | rlbarrett@ihis.org |
Barrett, Patsy
Nurse Manager, Inpatient Mental Health (PCH) |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Prince County Hospital |
Tel: 902-438-4410 Fax: 902-438-4401 | pabarrett@ihis.org |
Barry, Juliana
Provincial Perinatal Health Program Coordinator |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Community Specialist Services |
Tel: 902-368-5117 | jmbarry@ihis.org |
Barry, Kelly
RN |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions |
Tel: 902-368-4048 Fax: 902-569-0512 | kmbarry@ihis.org |
Barry, Kevin
QEH Director of Facilities Management |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: (902) 894-2032 Fax: (902) 894-2386 | kpbarry@gov.pe.ca |
Bartlett-Bitar, Jennifer
Manager, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services |
Tel: 902-368-6465 Fax: 902-620-3195 | jlbartlett-bitar@ihis.org |
Barton, Cynthia
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Medical Affairs Medical Affairs Administration |
Tel: 902-213-0307 | cabarton@ihis.org |
Barton, Michelle
Patient Navigator, PEI Cancer Treatment Centre |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 1-902-894-2552 Fax: 1-902-894-2187 | mdbarton@ihis.org |
Barwise, Gail
Infection Control Officer |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: 902-894-2110 Fax: 902-620-3904 | gjbarwise@ihis.org |
Barwise, Mary Ellen
Print Tech |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-894-2023 Fax: 902-894-2373 | mebarwise@ihis.org |
Beaton, Candy
Recreation Manager - Wedgewood Manor, Summerset Manor and Stewart Memorial Home |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: (902) 888-8327 Fax: (902) 888-8338 | clbeaton@ihis.org |
Beeley, Gina
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Health PEI Board |
Tel: 902-368-6140 Cell: 902-916-0678 Fax: 902-620-3072 | ginabeeley@ihis.org |
Bell, Brandi
Planning and Evaluation Consultant |
Health PEI Performance and Innovation Policy, Planning and Evaluation |
Tel: 902-620-3749 | blbell@ihis.org |
Bell, Crystal
Administrative Supervisor, Primary Care Network (Queens West) |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Tel: 902-314-4281 Fax: 902-621-3069 | cdbell@ihis.org |
Bell, Jamie-Lynne
Provincial Breast Screening Coordinator |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services |
Tel: 902-894-2914 Fax: 902-894-0190 | jxbell@ihis.org |
Bernard, Jessica A
Pharmacy Technician 2 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 | jabernard@ihis.org |
Berrigan, Pamela
Nurse Manager, Surgery / Restorative (PCH) |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Prince County Hospital |
Tel: 902-438-4505 Fax: 902-438-4501 | paberrigan@ihis.org |
Bertram, Christa
Provincial Bed Coordinator |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Patient Flow and System Utilization |
Tel: 902-213-2309 Fax: 902-368-6136 | clbertram@ihis.org |
Berube, Bruno
HR Manager - Medical Affairs |
Health PEI Human Resources Human Resources and Labour Relations |
bberube@gov.pe.ca | |
Beyer, Linda
Director of Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Primary Care and Chronic Disease |
Tel: 902-368-6721 Fax: 902-569-0579 | libeyer@ihis.org |
Biso, Julie
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #5 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: (902) 894-2445 Fax: (902) 894-2461 | jabiso@ihis.org |
Biso, Michelle J
Pharmacy Technician 2 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 | jmbiso@ihis.or |
Bitar, George
Manager |
Health PEI Financial Services Materials Management |
Tel: 902-894-2096 Fax: 902-894-2384 | gbitar@ihis.org |
Blacquiere, Cathy
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Queen Elizabeth Hospital |
Tel: (902) 894-2411 Fax: (902) 894-2416 | cablacquiere@gov.pe.ca |
Blacquiere, Karen
Administrative Assistant |
Health PEI Operations Mental Health and Addictions |
Tel: 902-569-7596 Fax: 902-620-3077 | kablacquiere@ihis.org |
Blacquiere, Marshall
Employee Services Assistant |
Health PEI Human Resources Talent Management |
mblacquiere@ihis.org | |
Blaisdell, Kelly A
Pharmacy Technician 2 |
Health PEI Operations Hospital Services and Patient Flow Provincial Pharmacy Services |
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 | kablaisdell@gov.pe.ca |
Blanchard, Julia
Recreation Assistant |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-213-0143 | juliablanchard@ihis.org |
Blanchard, Kelly
Nurse Manager - Margaret Stewart Ellis Home |
Health PEI Operations Community Health and Seniors Care Long-Term Care |
Tel: 902-859-8752 Fax: 902-859-8756 | klblanchard@ihis.org |