Aquaculture Resources
Listed below ia a series of fact sheets on issues related to the PEI aquaculture industry.
AIN.28.2022 Lime and Brine Treatment to Control the Vase Tunicate, Ciona intestinails
AIN.27.2015 Freshwater Immersion to Control the Clubbed Tunicate, Styela...
The Department of Fisheries and Communities collects, compiles and disseminates statistical information related to the fishery and aquaculture, as follows:
2023 Fishery Statistics
2022 Fishery Statistics
2021 Fishery Statistics
2020 Fishery...
Tips to spot and prevent the spread of MSX
What are technical reports?
The Department periodically publishes technical reports on issues facing the fishing and aquaculture industries.
Due to the length of the reports they have not been placed on the Department website. Only the most recent...
Information about Multinucleated Sphere Unknown (MSX)