Perennial Crop Development Program

The Perennial Crop Development program is now open. Applications will be assessed on a first come-first serve basis for merit and impact.

The Perennial Crop Development Program is designed to increase sustainability in PEI’s agriculture sector. Perennial crops are often considered to have both substantial ecological and economic benefits compared to annual crop species. Perennial crops can increase carbon levels in the soil and reduce contamination of watercourses and wetlands through erosion control, water-use efficiency, and nutrient cycling efficiency. 

The Program will support the implementation of perennial crop development through two sub-programs: 

  • 1.3.1 Perennial Crop Establishment Sub-Program
  • 1.3.2 Perennial Crop Efficiency Sub-Program

NOTE: Support for Site Assessment and Development

  • Applicants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with
    • Appendix A: Site Assessment, Selection and Development for Perennial Crops Guide; and
    • Appendix B: Recommended Minimum Standards for Wind Resilient Trellis Design 

Am I eligible to apply for Perennial Crop Development funding?

The following includes a summary of program and funding eligibility. Before completing the application form, please review program and funding criteria in the Perennial Crop Development Program Guidelines .

1.3.1 Perennial Crop Establishment Sub-Program

The Perennial Crop Establishment Sub-Program will support high-value perennial crop production. Emphasis will be placed on establishment of new and expanding perennial crop enterprises.

Eligible Recipients

  • Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups;
  • Agricultural producers; 
  • Small to medium-sized agri-businesses;
  • Agriculture industry organizations, clubs, and associations;
  • Agricultural co-ops; and
  • Others may be considered upon request.

Eligible Activities/Expenses

  • Establishment and expansion of perennial crops including but not limited to:
    • purchasing and installing plants;
    • wind resilient trellises (see Appendix B: Recommended Minimum Standards for Wind Resilient Trellis Design)
    • exclusion netting;
    • weed control barriers;
    • mulch; and
    • seed for orchard/vineyard ground cover, etc.
  • Adoption and/or evaluation of perennial crop process improvements identified as leading-edge production technology to reduce costs, add value, improve efficiencies, improve product quality or increase market access.
  • Costs associated with perennial crop establishment, except for those expenses listed in “Ineligible Expenses”

NOTE: Only new perennial crops and support systems or expansions, installed in the current funding year will be eligible. 

1.3.2 Perennial Crop Efficiency Sub-Program

The Perennial Crop Efficiency Sub-Program will support projects focused on technologies designed to improve efficiency, reduce costs, add value, improve production value and increase market access related to perennial crops.

Eligible Recipients

  • Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups;
  • Agricultural producers; 
  • Small to medium-sized agri-businesses; 
  • Agricultural co-ops; and
  • Others may be considered upon request.

Eligible Activities/Expenses

  • Storage and processing systems and/or related storage/processing technology for perennial crops, including, harvesting equipment, packaging technology, cold storage and controlled atmosphere storage;
  • Capital equipment purchases;
  • Adapting existing buildings for perennial crop cold storage (insulation, refrigeration, ventilation, wall coverings); and
  • Controlled atmosphere storage.

What do I need to complete the application form?

Information required for all programs:

Application form

  •  Applicant contact information;
  •  Business or organization information, including CRA registration number;
    • If applicable, Partnership information
  • Project start and end date; 
  • Additional sources of project funding;
  • Recipient type (i.e. primary producer, agricultural landowner, processor);
  • Type of industry (i.e. Dairy, potato, beef, hog, grains and oilseeds);
  • Signature for declaration and consent to personal information; and
  • Demographic information (optional).

Perennial Crop Development Project Details (for both sub-programs)

  • Project proposal (2-3) pages with the following sections:
    • Cover page;
    • Executive summary;
    • Project objectives;
    • Description of farm enterprise;
    • Description of proposed perennial crop site and development conducted to date;
    • Site ownership/leasing;
    • Planting plan;
    • Market plan;
    • Timeline;
    • Results;
    • Sustainable CAP Outcome; 
    • Climate change/carbon sequestration;
    • Budget;
    • Evaluation;
    • Communication of support (if applicable)

For more information contact:

PEI Department of Agriculture 
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown PE C1A 7N8
Telephone: (902) 368-4880

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) is a new $3.5-billion, 5-year agreement (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028), between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. The agreement includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and $2.5 billion in cost-shared programs and activities funded by federal, provincial and territorial governments..

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership Logo  Government of Canada Logo

Published date: 
March 21, 2024