Collections Policy
This policy provides guidelines and principles to govern the selection and removal of materials within the collection of the PEI Public Library Service.
It is the goal of the PEI Public Library Service to provide collections that:
- offer educational, informational, and recreational materials for a wide range of interests
- reflect the needs of the community
- assist in the pursuit of life-long learning
- develop literacy skills
- contain local, national, and international content
- offer a broad range of perspectives and ideas
- include a wide variety of formats, including alternative and accessible formats
- appeal to all citizens regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, and/or political affiliation
- offer multilingual materials
- offer materials to English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Adult Literacy learners and tutors
- inspire the love of reading and the exploration of ideas, culture and knowledge.
Intellectual Freedom
In selecting library materials, qualified library staff are guided in part by the principles put forth in the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries.
The library collection, as a whole, is designed to meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of the entire community, represents various beliefs and points of view, and has materials available for all ages.
As a result:
- materials will not be suppressed or removed because they may be deemed offensive by some
- materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of contents
- responsibility for a child’s selection and use of library resources rests with parents or legal guardians. The library’s selection of materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that they may come into the possession or view of children
Some materials selected for the library may be controversial and may offend some members. The right to reject library material for personal use is recognized but does not accord any individual or group the right to restrict library materials from others. Library members who object to materials may be directed to the Request for Reconsideration of Materials Policy.
Indigenous Collection
Indigenous Collection In the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge that the land upon which all PEI libraries stand is unceded Mi’kmaq territory. Honouring this, the PEI Public Library Service will provide collections relating to Indigenous cultures, languages, and peoples, including books, audio, and video materials. Our collection will include titles by and about First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, specifically focusing on the Mi’kmaq people. The library acknowledges that there may be structural biases in library catalogue access and classification, and as new standards are developed nationally, the library will implement them (e.g. revised subject headings for Indigenous peoples of Canada in the catalogue).
General Criteria for Selection
Library materials will be available in a variety of formats including print materials, audiobooks, electronic formats and DVDs. Library materials shall be selected for purchase using some or all of the following criteria:
- popularity and public demand (existing or anticipated) including current bestsellers
- enduring value and author reputation and significance
- relevance of subject matter
- style, presentation, readability and accuracy of information
- recognition by prizes, awards, bestseller lists and critical reviews
- member suggestion/request
- space, price and budgetary factors
- Canadian and PEI content or authors
- strengths and weaknesses of the current collection
- balancing special group interest with general demand
The PEI Public Library Service does not purchase materials connected to specialized educational curriculum (i.e. textbooks, academic essays, or articles).
Library of Things Collection
The Library of Things is a collection of non-traditional items available for borrowing from libraries across PEI. Items considered for this collection will be evaluated with the selection criteria listed above. Due to the non-traditional format of this collection, additional factors may be considered including but not limited to size, available storage space, maintenance requirements, and cost of consumable replacements. Not all Library of Things items are suitable or safe for all patrons. As with all library collections, responsibility for a child’s use of the Library of Things rests with the parent or guardian.
Suggestions for Purchase
The Public Library Service is happy to consider additions to the collection and provides an online form for accepting suggestions from library members. Suggestions will be assessed according to the same criteria as other library materials.
Due to the volume of requests received, the Public Library Service cannot notify requestors whether their suggestions have been accepted.
Material will be removed from the library's collection on an ongoing basis to make room for new acquisitions.
Items may be removed if they are:
- damaged, worn, or beyond repair
- outdated, misleading, or inaccurate
- superseded by a new edition
- no longer in demand
Discarded materials may be placed in used book sales as a fundraiser for Friends of the Library groups. Items that do not sell at book sales will be donated to other non-profit groups or recycled.
Items which are discarded on the basis of damage may be considered for replacement.
Items will be assessed for replacement using some or all of the following criteria:
- continued popularity and demand
- classic work of fiction or non-fiction
- required to maintain balance in a subject area
- historical value
- budgetary considerations
- general selection criteria found above