Exam Proctoring Policy

In keeping with the PEI Public Library Service’s commitment to assist in the pursuit of lifelong learning, the library provides proctoring services for written and certain computer-based examinations.

There is no charge to have an exam proctored at a public library. If the student’s education institution offers some form of remuneration, this payment may be accepted on behalf of the local Friends of the Library group.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students must contact the library to arrange proctoring services at least one week before the date of the exam
  • Students must inform the library as soon as possible if they are unable to keep an appointment
  • Students must confirm that the library’s facilities and services meet the testing requirements of their educational institution
  • Students are responsible for supplying all materials necessary to complete the exam (i.e. pens, pencils, paper, calculator, etc.)
  • Students will be billed the cost of printing all exam-related materials as well as any postage costs for exams that must be returned by mail or courier
  • The PEI Public Library Service regrets that software cannot be installed on public computer workstations for the purposes of completing an exam

Library Responsibilities

  • Exam proctoring can only be offered at locations where facilities permit and where a dedicated staff member will be available to receive, supervise, and return the exam
  • This service is only available for exams that will be completed during normal  library operating hours
  • The library will return the completed exam in accordance with the requirements of the student’s education institution
Published date: 
March 6, 2023