AccessAbility Advisory Council

The purpose of the AccessAbility Advisory Council is to provide input, consultation and advice to the minister on issues affecting individuals with disabilities.

What is the function of the council?

The Prince Edward Island AccessAbility Advisory Council will:

  • Advise the Minster on broad disability related issues;
  • Offer ongoing input into the development of public policy, program and services;
  • Provide a forum to identify and discuss major issues impacting the disability community;
  • Champion research to inform policy and practice;
  • Foster partnerships among persons with disabilities, government and community; and
  • Enhance public awareness and education.

Primary Role: Non-adjudicative
Material Role: Advisory 

How many people are on the council?

The AccessAbility Advisory Council membership is comprised of a maximum of eight members who bring a wide range of non-partisan disability views, knowledge and community based contextual awareness.

    What are the requirements of council members?

    A wide range of disability views, knowledge and community-based contextual awareness is required.

    Will I be paid?

    Council members serve as volunteers and receive no remuneration other than the expenses incurred to travel to meetings.  

    What is the time commitment of the council?

    The Council will meet a minimum of four times a year, with a minimum of one meeting with the Minister.  Additional meetings may be held at the call of the Minister, the Minister’s designate or the Chair.

    Meetings will be set at a date, location and time mutually agreed upon by the Council.

    Council will make use of sub-committees where appropriate.

    AccessAbility Advisory Council - Members
    Name County Term Start Term End

    Nathalie Walsh-Annand (Autism Society of PEI)

    Queens May 16, 2023 May 16, 2026

    Shelley Muzika (Canadian Mental Health Association)

    Queens Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2025

    Devon Broome (ResourceAbilities)

    Prince May 16, 2023 May 16, 2026

    Stephen Brousseau (Person with a Disability)

    Kings Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2025

    John Smallwood (Community Connections Inc.)

    Prince Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2025

    Katrina Durdle (PEI Association for Community Living)

    Queens Nov 29, 2022 Nov 29, 2025
    Carolyn Jenkins (PEI Association of Newcomers) Queens Oct 19, 2021 Oct 19, 2024
    Martina MacDonald (Business Sector) Kings Sept 8, 2020 Sept 8, 2023
    Dawn Jay (Associate Families) Prince Nov 21, 2023 Nov 21, 2026

    Deputy Minister - Departmental of Social Development and Seniors 

        at pleasure

    How can I apply?                

    If you would like to serve as a member of a provincial government agency, board, or commission (ABC) you can apply online through Engage PEI. 


    For further information about this committee, contact:

    Mary T. MacDonald-Pickering
    Manager, AccessAbility Supports

    Tel: 902-368-5184





    Published date: 
    December 4, 2023
    Executive Council Office

    General Inquiries

    Executive Council Office
    5th Floor, Shaw Building
    95 Rochford Street
    P.O. Box 2000,
    Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

    General Inquiries:
    Phone: 902-368-4502
    Fax: 902-368-6118

    Engage PEI Inquiries: 

    Visit Engage PEI to learn more about serving as a member of an agency, board or commission (ABC).
    Engage PEI