PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation

The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation is an integral part of the Island's social cultural community which operates seven provincial museums and heritage sites located across Prince Edward Island. The Foundation is responsible for the provincial collection, which consists of more than 100,000 artifacts. 

What is the function of the board?

The PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation is a provincial crown corporation governed by a Board of Governors as outlined in the Museum Act.

The function of the Board of Governors is to provide strategic and managerial oversight of the Foundation. The Board supports the Executive Director in their efforts to operate the seven sites, to preserve and protect the provincial collection of artifacts and to share the province’s human and natural history.

Board members use their own experience and knowledge to provide advice and guidance that can help the Foundation achieve its vision and mandate. Board members help ensure that the Foundation remains a successful and sustainable organization.

The Board also helps with several ongoing Foundation projects. It helps organize the annual heritage awards and assists with the Foundation’s ongoing fundraising efforts. Last but not least, members of the Board serve as goodwill ambassadors for the Foundation.

Primary Role:  Adjudicative

Material Role:

  • Strategic Development
  • Managerial/Oversight

How many people are on the board?

The Board of Governors shall consist of not fewer than six and not more than eight members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, one of whom shall be designated as the chairperson.

What are the requirements of board members?

Work & Experience Requirements
A knowledge or experience with the human and/or natural heritage of the province is highly recommended.

A knowledge or experience of fundraising is also welcome.

It is desirable to have a wide range of work and experience represented in members. This includes, but is not restricted to: anthropology, architecture, art, business, communications, education, finance, Indigenous studies, journalism, law, library sciences, music, publishing, science, sociology, tourism or writing.

Skills Required - Mediation skills

What are the nomination requirements?

Statutory Nomination Requirements
The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall appoint all members. The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall give consideration to the geographical and cultural representation on the Board in making appointments to the Board.

Will I get paid?

Chair - $113/diem and Members - $73/diem

What is the time commitment of the board?

Board Meetings are held between 6 to 12 times a year, including the Annual General Meeting. Board meetings generally run from one to three hours, while the Annual General Meeting is normally an hour in length.

The term of office of a member of the Board is three years. A Board member may be re-appointed to one additional consecutive term.

PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation - Members
Name County Term Start Term End
Connie Spencer Kings County Mar 19, 2024 Mar 19, 2027
Kyle Blood Queens County Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2026
Karen Mair Queens County July 5, 2022 July 5, 2025
Monica Norman Queens County July 5, 2022 July 5, 2025
Gordon Lavoie Queens County Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2026
Joan Sinclair Prince County Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2026
Sara Jane Affleck Prince County July 5, 2022 July 5, 2025
Matthew McRae Queens County   at pleasure
Fiep de Bie, Chair Queens County Nov 21, 2023 Aug 25, 2026

How can I apply?  

If you would like to serve as a member of a provincial government agency, board, or commission (ABC) you can apply online through Engage PEI. 


Dr. Matthew McRae
Executive Director, Museum and Heritage Foundation
(902) 368-6601 


Published date: 
April 3, 2024
Executive Council Office

General Inquiries

Executive Council Office
5th Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

General Inquiries:
Phone: 902-368-4502
Fax: 902-368-6118

Engage PEI Inquiries: 

Visit Engage PEI to learn more about serving as a member of an agency, board or commission (ABC).
Engage PEI