Novice Driver Course (NDC)
Congratulations on earning your Instruction Driver’s Permit (Class 7 license). This is also known as a Beginner’s Drivers Permit.
Before you take your first road test for your Class 5 license, you must complete one of the following:
- Novice Driver Course through the provincial government OR
- Driver training through a private, certified driver education program
For the Novice Driver Course, register as soon as you receive your Instruction Driver’s Permit through Access PEI.
In the Novice Driver Course you will learn about:
- Graduated Driver Licensing Program
- Demerit Point System
- Aspects of the Criminal Code related to Impaired Driving
- Alcohol and Drug Education
- Handling certain driving conditions
The course is for about five hours and is usually held over two separate evenings. You must register in advance and pay a fee.
Have your Instruction Driver’s Permit ID number ready and remember to bring your permit to the course.
Who can I contact for more information?
Phone: (902) 368-5228