
Chief Public Health Office looks ahead to ‘new normal’ for PEI

Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Heather Morrison, says continuing to follow public health measures is key as we continue to manage COVID-19 and look ahead to the ‘new normal.’

Islanders are reminded that they should only travel outside of the Atlantic Bubble for essential reasons. Dr. Morrison recognized that as more Islanders return to work, many of them may be required to travel outside of the Atlantic Bubble for their work. With this in mind, Islanders are reminded to follow self-isolation protocols when returning to the province from outside the Atlantic Bubble. 

Individuals who can work from home throughout the 14-day self-isolation period should have a plan in place for contactless delivery of essentials during this period of time. Individuals who must return to work following travel outside the Atlantic Bubble (but within Canada), must follow work-isolation protocols and public health measures, including: self-isolating when not at the workplace, monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19, physical distancing as much as possible, wearing a non-medical mask when at work, and have a plan in place for contactless delivery of essentials. 

Islanders who are rotational workers (those who travel frequently or routinely outside the Atlantic Bubble (within Canada), spending at least half of their time working outside of Atlantic Canada), do not need to self-isolate or work-isolate. Instead, rotational workers must be tested on a regular basis, monitor for symptoms and follow public health measures such as physical distancing, frequent hand washing and wearing a non-medical mask when physical distancing is not possible. This protocol has been in place since the early onset of the pandemic to balance an acceptable risk of transmission with the need for rotational workers to see their families for the limited time they are home.

Effective October 1, individuals who work outside of the Atlantic Bubble (within Canada) who are required to work outside of their home upon return to PEI can apply to work-isolate, via a self-declaration form that will be available on the provincial website. A letter from the worker’s employer indicating their schedule is required. More information on the work-isolate declaration will be available online early next week. 

Anyone experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, can access drop-in testing clinics for a test. These clinics do not require a call to 8-1-1 or an appointment.

New guidance documents have been added to the Renew PEI, Together webpage, including: multiple gatherings; sports and recreational activities; school outbreaks; CPHO school directives; and holiday guidance. 

Holiday guidance permits door-to-door trick-or-treating, but with precautions in place. Children should only visit households in their neighborhood/apartment building and those that they know; no contact treat pick up is recommended; and be respectful of households that do not wish to participate this year. 

The Chief Public Health Office continues to work closely with the federal government, provincial and territorial counterparts, government departments and Health PEI to monitor the pandemic situation and prepare for all COVID-19 related impacts to the province, including health, social and economic. The public health risk of COVID-19 is continually reassessed and Islanders will be updated as new information becomes available.

Everyone is encouraged to follow routine prevention measures:
•    Washing hands frequently with soap and water
•    Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
•    Stay home if you are not feeling well
•    Limit touching your eyes, nose and mouth
•    Keep your circle of contacts small
•    Wear a mask in closed, indoor public spaces
•    Maintain a distance of two meters from others as much as possible
•    Don’t share items like drinking glasses and water bottles
•    Frequently clean surfaces like taps, doorknobs and countertops


Media Contact:
Samantha Hughes
Health and Wellness (link sends e-mail) 

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121 (link sends e-mail)