
Continuing the conversation, Minister launches phase two of Focus on the Frontline

Building on the success of the initial phase of the Focus on the Frontline initiative, Minister of Health and Wellness, Mark McLane, will carry out a second phase this October to meet with healthcare staff across the province, focusing on community healthcare.

Last year, the minister met with more than 104 staff members in hospitals, long-term care and community care facilities, listening to their concerns, challenges, and suggestions for improving the province's healthcare system. Another 114 employees provided feedback through the online form. Their input has been instrumental in guiding initiatives, including enhanced security in acute care facilities, exploring more virtual options to access primary care, and expanding eligibility of the Health Innovation Fund.

"The passion and commitment of our healthcare staff are evident in every conversation we have. Employees working on the frontline are deeply dedicated to providing the best possible care to Islanders and are eager to be part of the efforts to strengthen our healthcare system."

- Health and Wellness Minister Mark McLane

As the minister prepares to engage with more staff in the coming weeks, all healthcare professionals across the province are encouraged to sign up and participate in this important dialogue.  The feedback and ideas gathered will continue to play a key role in guiding healthcare planning and improvements in Prince Edward Island.

"The voices of our frontline staff are critical in shaping the future of our healthcare system," added the minister. "I look forward to hearing from staff and working together to create a stronger, more resilient healthcare system for all Islanders."

For more information or to request a visit to your facility, visit Focus on the Frontline.

Media contact:  
Autumn Tremere 
Department of Health and Wellness

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121