PEI Film Media Fund
The PEI Film Media Fund supports the development, growth and sustainability of homegrown, independent film in the private-sector film, television and video industry in Prince Edward Island.
The objectives of the Fund are to:
- Build the sustainability and capacity of the domestic PEI film and television production industry;
- Support the development of PEI creative industries and workers;
- Provide eligible PEI producers with an opportunity to be more competitive in attracting financing and co-production opportunities; and
- Provide cultural benefits to Islanders by supporting the creation of Prince Edward Island content and stories.
The PEI Film Media Fund provides this support via a rebate of up to 25% of eligible Prince Edward Island expenditures, to eligible producers of a qualifying production. Applications must be submitted prior to the beginning of production.
Who is eligible for film funding?
The PEI Film Media Fund is accessible to Prince Edward Island producers acting alone or in a co-production with out-of-province producers. In all cases, Innovation PEI’s main interest is in ensuring development of the capacity of resident Prince Edward Island producers.
Applications will be accepted from Prince Edward Island companies engaged primarily in the film and television production business that demonstrate that their main activity is the creation of film/video productions available for public viewing, and meet the following criteria:
- Must be incorporated federally or in Prince Edward Island;
- Head office and principal place of business must be in Prince Edward Island; and
- A majority of the voting shares must be beneficially owned by Prince Edward Island residents.
Distributors, broadcasters or other issuers of commercial licence agreements are not eligible to apply.
Please read the PEI Film Media Fund Guidelines for complete production company eligibility criteria.
New project submissions from an applicant in default on any reporting, project completion or financial obligation to Innovation PEI will not be reviewed until a resolution to the default is reached.
What projects are eligible for funding?
Productions must be new productions; repackaging or re-versioning of previously completed productions will not be accepted.
The amount of money spent in Prince Edward Island for the production must be at least $25,000 before HST.
Innovation PEI expects all projects to be finished and made available for audiences. To be eligible for the PEI Film Media Fund, the producer must provide written evidence of a Commercial Licence Agreement for the production.
Please read the PEI Film Media Fund Guidelines for complete production eligibility criteria.
What activities will the fund support?
Supported activities are those accepted as industry standard activities within the pre-production, production and post-production stages; development activities are not supported activities.
Examples of qualifying productions are television, cinema, or streaming productions where the subject is drama, variety, animated or informational series, or documentary (not exhaustive).
Eligible costs include all expenditures where the good or service is purchased from a Prince Edward Island–based supplier with a permanent physical establishment within Prince Edward Island, and is leased, used, provided, or consumed in Prince Edward Island. Wages paid to Prince Edward Island residents are eligible.
The value of in-kind contribution is not considered an eligible Prince Edward Island expense. Capital items are not considered an eligible Prince Edward Island expense.
What criteria are used to evaluate funding applications?
The level of Innovation PEI’s financial participation is based upon a number of factors, including:
- Quality of the project;
- Capacity of the production team to complete the project, on budget and within the time frame proposed by the applicant;
- The economic impact of the project in Prince Edward Island;
- The creation of employment opportunity in the province;
- Leverage of funds from the private sector and from outside Prince Edward Island
- Project size and scope;
- Prince Edward Island creative and business involvement;
- Broadcast licenses, distribution, revenue guarantees;
- Potential for additional export sales upon completion;
- Available funds.
Applicants in arrears with any government department or crown corporation will be disqualified.
Innovation PEI reserves the right to deny a grant application or request for payment if it suspects or detects fraudulent intent.
What process will be followed to assess the applications?
The PEI Film Media Fund is administered by Innovation PEI on behalf of the Province of Prince Edward Island. There is no administration fee charged to applicant production companies.
Inquiries concerning the PEI Film Media Fund should be directed to the Cultural Development Division of Innovation PEI. This Division will provide published documentation and assist producers in determining the eligibility of the production and the production company, required documentation, and the amount of the potential PEI Film Media Fund rebate.
Contact Information
Shannon Pratt (link sends e-mail)
Telephone: (902) 626-8613
94 Euston Street, PO Box 910
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7L9