Workplace Skills Training
Workplace Skills Training is a program developed for employers to train new or existing employees to develop their skills and align with needs of the business. The employer determines the type of training and who will participate. Training must be short term and meet job-specific and incremental industry requirements of the organization. Training considered part of the organization's normal business operations will not be eligible under the Workplace Skills Training Program.
SkillsPEI can contribute up to 50% of the direct training costs. You will be required to contribute the remaining 50%. At the end of the training, the employee should have developed skills to meet the demands of today's economy.
Who is Eligible to Participate?
Eligible employers include:
- Registered private sector businesses;
- Organization acting on behalf of a group of employers (e.g. employer consortia, industry associations and sector council businesses);
- Band/tribal councils;
- Non-profit organizations.
How do I Apply?
Email a completed Workplace Skills Training Application for Employers and any supporting documentation to (link sends e-mail) or drop it off to your local SkillsPEI office. To assess your application SkillsPEI will need:
- Completed Workplace Skills Training Application for Employers;
- Brief outline of the company’s products or services and the plan, if any, for future growth;
- Detailed proposal outlining the training objectives, activities, duration and expected results;
- Detailed project budget which demonstrates your financial contribution;
- Name and details of the proposed training provider;
- Additional information may be requested.
When is my Application Due?
There is no deadline for applications under the Workplace Skills Training program as SkillsPEI accept applications on an ongoing basis. It is suggested applications be submitted at least two weeks prior to the intended start of training.
How does the Program Work?
Once you submit your completed application package, SkillsPEI will review your application. A program Officer will contact you within a few days to discuss your application. Once you receive confirmation that your application has been approved for the Workplace Skills Training program, the training activities can start.
This information is a general guide for applicants. Applications received by SkillsPEI will be assessed against additional program criteria to determine eligibility.
Where can I get more Information?
Call SkillsPEI's general inquiries line at 1-877-491-4766 or visit one of the SkillsPEI offices.
Application Forms
Workplace Skills Training Application for Employers
Workplace Skills Training Application for Individuals
Funding Agreement
Funded by the Department of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population through the Canada-PEI labour market agreements.