
All tenders and procurement opportunities issued by the Province and other PEI government organizations are listed below. For more information about supplying goods and services to government in PEI, visit Government Tenders and Procurement.

Note: an Addendum is added to a tender posting when there is a change in its specifications.

To view Open Tenders only, find the heading Tender Status and click Open. More ways to view the list are explained in View PEI Tenders and Procurement.

Other Procurement Opportunities

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 41 records for "cannabis"
  • Description: Corish Lift Station Upgrades
    Date Published: 2022-07-04
    Closing date: 2022-07-28
    Organization: Town of Stratford
    Tender Category: Ads and Notices
  • Description: Base Building for Retail Store Stratford Location, Prince Edward Island
    Date Published: 2022-06-17
    Closing date: 2022-07-05
    Organization: PEI Cannabis Management Corporation
    Tender Category: Services
  • Description: Lagoon Expansion, Mark Arendz Provincial Ski Park
    Date Published: 2022-05-27
    Closing date: 2022-06-09
    Organization: Tourism PEI
    Tender Category: Ads and Notices
  • Description: Supply and Delivery of Fuel - Furnace Oil, Stove Oil, Diesel, Propane, and Gasoline
    Date Published: 2022-04-12
    Closing date: 2022-05-03
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Goods
  • Description: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Mental Health & Addictions Emergency Department & Short Stay Unit, Charlottetown PE
    Date Published: 2022-03-22
    Closing date: 2022-05-05
    Organization: Health and Wellness
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Montague Consolidated School – Contract #4 – Phase 2 Construction
    Date Published: 2022-02-17
    Closing date: 2022-04-07
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Eliot River Elementary School – Contract #6 – Phase 2 Construction
    Date Published: 2022-02-03
    Closing date: 2022-03-10
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Stratford Dry Storage Building
    Date Published: 2021-11-18
    Closing date: 2021-12-02
    Organization: Town of Stratford
    Tender Category: Ads and Notices
  • Description: Foundation & Building Structure - West Prince Curling Club
    Date Published: 2021-10-21
    Closing date: 2021-11-18
    Organization: West Prince Curling Club
    Tender Category: Ads and Notices
  • Description: Kings County Highway Depot – Contract #1: Site Work and Foundation
    Date Published: 2021-10-08
    Closing date: 2021-12-02
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Georgetown Water System Upgrades
    Date Published: 2021-07-30
    Closing date: 2021-08-19
    Organization: Environmental Industrial Services Inc.
    Tender Category: Ads and Notices
  • Description: Multi-Media Assets on Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction
    Date Published: 2021-05-19
    Closing date: 2021-06-16
    Organization: Education and Early Years
    Tender Category: Services
  • Description: Eliot River Elementary School – Contract #2: Interior Fit-up
    Date Published: 2021-05-14
    Closing date: 2021-06-15
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Eliot River Elementary School – Contract #4: Site Work and Addition Foundation
    Date Published: 2021-05-13
    Closing date: 2021-06-15
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Queens County Highway Depot - Pandemic Warehouse
    Date Published: 2021-05-12
    Closing date: 2021-07-06
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Montague Consolidated School – Contract #3: Sprinkler
    Date Published: 2021-05-06
    Closing date: 2021-07-15
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Eliot River Elementary School – Contract #3: Sprinkler
    Date Published: 2021-05-06
    Closing date: 2021-07-13
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Montague Consolidated School – Contract #1: Roof Replacement
    Date Published: 2021-05-06
    Closing date: 2021-06-10
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Eliot River Elementary School – Contract #1: Roof Replacement
    Date Published: 2021-05-06
    Closing date: 2021-06-10
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction
  • Description: Montague Consolidated School – Contract #2: Interior Fit-up
    Date Published: 2021-05-06
    Closing date: 2021-06-08
    Organization: Transportation and Infrastructure
    Tender Category: Construction

General Inquiries

Procurement Services
Second Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PEI
C1A 7N8

Telephone: (902) 368-4040
Facsimile: (902) 368-5171