Agriculture Resiliency Program

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Picture of farm fields in PEI

The Agriculture Resiliency Program encourages a robust and adaptable industry through proactive risk management in agriculture. The program will support initiatives that build the strength and viability of the agriculture industry, as well as initiatives that assist industry in preparing for current and future threats such as climate change and extreme weather. Supporting initiatives in producer wellness and mental health are included as an essential part of a resilient system. 

The Agriculture Resiliency Program is composed of 3 sub-programs:

Am I eligible to apply for Agriculture Resiliency Program funding?

The following includes a summary of eligibility for each of the sub-programs. Before completing the application form, please review program and funding criteria in the sub-program guidelines.

5.3.1 Agriculture Resiliency Research Sub-Program

This sub-program is designed to support research efforts and industry development activities to better evaluate and develop resilience and adaptive capacity in the Island’s agriculture sector. The goal is to support the PEI agriculture industry to identify, prioritize and develop agriculture adaptation and resilience initiatives.

Before completing the application form, please review program and funding criteria in the Agriculture Resiliency Research Sub-Program Guidelines.

Eligible Recipients

  • Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups; 
  • Agriculture industry organizations, clubs, and associations;  
  • Municipal and provincial government; and
  • Others as approved by the Agriculture Resiliency Research Review Subcommittee.

Eligible Activities/Expenses

  • Research to identify and evaluate current social, economic, and environmental agriculture resiliency baselines, indicators, trends, priorities, and concerns in a PEI context;
  • Research and development of climate risk and opportunity assessment tools for industry, climate change preparedness strategies, sector-specific adaptation plans and key adaptation actions;
  • Research and development of farmer wellness initiatives; 
  • Information sharing and/or knowledge transfer activities, including demonstration projects;
  • Salaries for project activities;  
  • Consulting fees;  
  • Project-related travel;  
  • Materials and supplies;
  • Administration costs to a maximum of 10% of project value; and 
  • Other activities and expenses as approved by the Agriculture Resiliency Research Review Subcommittee.

5.3.2 Extreme Weather Preparedness Sub-Program

PEI’s first climate change risk assessment highlights the increased likelihood of extreme weather events on PEI, including post-tropical storms, intense precipitation events, flooding, and extreme heat. PEI’s primary industries are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events. This sub-program supports producers to make infrastructure improvements to increase farm preparedness for extreme weather events, recognizing it can be challenging to accept responsibility for the full cost of retrofitting for future extreme weather events. This sub-program supports activities in four streams:

  1. Extreme Wind Preparedness;   
  2. Extreme Heat Preparedness; 
  3. Flood Preparedness; and
  4. Critical Systems Backup Power.

IF your farm identifies other extreme weather risks or other project activities that would increase their resilience to extreme weather risks, please contact the program delivery team to discuss your proposed project and potential eligibility. Contact us at or at 902-213-6476.

NOTE: For a wildfire risk assessment, please contact Emily Foster (PEI’s FireSmart Coordinator) at or 902-218-6159. Learn more information about wildfire risk mitigation

Before completing the application form, please review program and funding criteria in the Extreme Weather Preparedness Sub-Program Guidelines.

Eligible Recipients (for all streams)

  • Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups;
  • Agricultural producers; and
  • Others may be considered upon request, at the discretion of the Extreme Weather Preparedness Review Subcommittee

 Eligible Activities/Expenses (for all streams)

  • Assessments of farm infrastructure for vulnerability to extreme weather risks and design of eligible project activities, and;
  • Costs associated with the implementation of approved project activities to increase farm resilience to extreme weather risks

5.3.3 Producer Wellness Sub-Program

Farmers face significant challenges in their work, such as extreme weather events and market volatility. This is compounded by difficult working conditions that involve long hours, isolated conditions, and a high risk of occupational injury. Farmers also face personal and institutional barriers in accessing mental health services to address these challenges. The Producer Wellness Sub-Program will support producer wellness initiatives.   

NOTE: All projects must have a clear link to producer mental wellness and have a direct benefit to the Sector.

Before completing the application form, please review program and funding criteria in the Producer Wellness Sub-Program Guidelines.

Eligible Recipients

  • Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups;
  • Agriculture industry organizations, clubs and associations;
  • Groups of agricultural producers;
  • Farm employees; 
  • Organizations with a registered charity number, business number, and/or incorporated number; 
  • Municipal and provincial government; and
  • Others as approved by the Producer Wellness Review Subcommittee.

Eligible Activities/Expenses

  • Organizing and delivering mental health first aid training;   
  • Hiring speakers or presenters;  
  • Networking and community events to promote community engagement around farmer wellness; 
  • Forming community networks to improve farmer wellness;
  • Programs, educational campaigns, and initiatives to decrease isolation and promote farmer wellbeing;  
  • Attendance fees for agricultural producers or agriculture industry organizations, clubs and associations to attend mental health workshops or training;  
  • Administrative/overhead fees (up to 10%); and
  • Other activities as approved by the Producer Wellness Review Subcommittee.

What do I need to complete the application form?

The following information is required on the Agriculture Resiliency Program General Application Form:

  • Applicant contact information;
  • Business or organization information, including CRA registration number;
    • If applicable, partnership information
  • Project start and end date; 
  • Additional sources of project funding;
  • Recipient type (i.e. primary producer);
  • Type of industry (i.e. dairy, potato, beef, hog, grains and oilseeds);
  • Signature for declaration and consent to personal information; and
  • Demographic information (optional).

Alongside the Agriculture Resiliency Program General Application Form, please complete the Project Proposal and/or Appendix A, depending on which sub-program you are applying to.

  • NOTE: Appendices are located within the Agriculture Resiliency Program General Application Form

For more information contact:

PEI Department of Agriculture 
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown PE C1A 7N8
Telephone: (902) 213-6476


Date de publication : 
le 31 Juillet 2024

Renseignements généraux

Ministère de l'Agriculture
Immeuble Jones, 5e étage
11, rue Kent
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-4880
Télécopieur : 902-368-4857

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Service de renseignements agricoles