Early Years Centre Designation

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Early Years Centre Designation

Prince Edward Island is recognized across Canada as a leader in Early Learning and Child Care.  The Government of Prince Edward Island is committed to the continued development of our successful Early Learning and Child Care System.  A key component of the system are the Early Years Centres, with 75 now active across the province. 

As part of system and service growth, a new open application process for additional Early Years Centres has been developed, with applications for designation reviewed on an ongoing basis. 

How do I apply for an EYC designation? 

Licensed early childhood centres are invited to apply to the Department of Education and Early Years to receive a Probationary Early Years Centre designation at any time. Applicants for an early childhood centre license may also concurrently apply for a Probationary Early Years Centre designation.  

More information about the application process and requirements will be provided soon.   

Who do I direct my questions to?

Doreen Gillis
Director of Early Years 
Education and Early Years
Tel: 902-393-3325
Email: degillis@gov.pe.ca

Date de publication : 
le 6 Mai 2024
Éducation et Petite enfance

Renseignements généraux

Ministère de l’Éducation et de la Petite enfance
Centre Holman
250, rue Water, bureau 101
Summerside (Î.-P.-É.) C1N 1B6

Téléphone : 902-438-4130
Télécopieur : 902-438-4062
