Statistics and Facts on Violence Against Women and Girls in Canada

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.


Violence against anyone is unacceptable. Violence experienced by women, however, particularly intimate
partner violence and sexual assault, represents a unique aspect of the wider social problem of violence, and requires specific attention and solutions. The following provide some facts and statistics dealing with violence.

Fact Sheets - Introduction to Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends

This report marks the third time the FPT Status of Women Forum has worked with Statistics Canada to add to the body of evidence on gender-based violence. The report is intended to inform governments, non-governmental organizations, service providers, academics, researchers and all others working to eliminate violence against women and girls.  

Assessing Violence Against Women: A Statistical Profile

This document is intended to be studied by governments, equality-seeking women’s organizations, other
non-governmental organizations, academics and those involved in the policy process. It is hoped that a wide range of audiences will find these preliminary indicators useful in maintaining awareness of the need to prevent violence in our society.

Fact Sheets - Violence Against Girls

This fact sheet provides an overview of key statistical data included in Measuring violence against women:
Statistical trends (2013).  Violence Against Girls - Key Facts

Fact Sheets - Violence Against Women in Canada 

This fact sheet provides an overview of key statistical data included in Measuring violence against women:
Statistical trends (2013).  Violence Against Women - Key Facts

Fact Sheets - Violence Against Women in Canada's Territories

This fact sheet provides an overview of key statistical data included in Measuring violence against women:
Statistical trends (2013).  Violence against Women in Canada’s Territories - Key Facts 

Fact Sheets - Violence Against Aboriginal Women

This fact sheet provides an overview of key statistical data included in Measuring violence against women:
Statistical trends (2013).  Violence against Aboriginal Women - Key Facts 

Fact Sheets - Sexual Violence

This fact sheet provides an overview of key statistical data included in Measuring violence against women:
Statistical trends (2013).  Sexual Violence - Key Facts 

Fact Sheets - Intimate Partner and Spousal Abuse 

This fact sheet provides an overview of key statistical data included in Measuring violence against women:
Statistical trends (2013).  Intimate Partner and Spousal Violence - Key Facts 


Date de publication : 
le 22 Juin 2017
Main‑d'oeuvre, Études supérieures et Population

Renseignements généraux

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C.P. 2000
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