Excavation Pit Operating Requirements

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

What is an Excavation Pit?

An excavation pit refers to any excavation in the ground made for the purpose of searching for, or removal of, earthen material.

What do I need to operate an excavation pit?

In order to operate an excavation pit, you must:

  • possess a valid Excavation Pit Operator License; and
  • register the pit annually with the Department of Environment, Water and Climate Change

Excavation pits for private use where the material is not sold commercially, are exempt from the regulations.  Pits that are located within the boundaries of a municipality that has bylaws enacted to regulate excavation pits are also exempt from the regulations.

How do I obtain an Excavation Pit Operators License?

You must complete an application and forward it, together with the applicable fee, to the department. Excavation Pit Operators Licenses are valid for five years and are available to both individuals and corporations. 

How do I register an excavation pit?

You must complete an Excavation Pit Registration Form and forward it, together with the applicable fee, to the department. Excavation pits must be registered annually. 

What are the fees?

Excavation Pit Fees
Application/Registration Length  Fee for Corporations Fee for Individuals

Excavation Pit Operators License

5 years $500 $250
Excavation Pit Registration 1 year $150 $75

Who can I contact for more information?

Sandra Keough (Environment Officer)
Access PEI Summerside
120 Heather Moyse Drive
Summerside, PEI
Telephone: (902) 368-5024
Fax: (902) 368-5830
Email: sakeough@gov.pe.ca

Date de publication : 
le 15 Novembre 2019
Environnement, Énergie et Action climatique

Renseignements généraux

Ministère de l'Environnement, Énergie et Action climatique 
Immeuble Jones, 4e étage
11, rue Kent
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-5044
Sans frais : 1-866-368-5044
Télécopieur : 902-368-5830
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