State of Wildlife Report

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.
Red Fox (Photo: Spencer Haakman)

Since 1997, the Prince Edward Island Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division (FFW) has been mandated to produce a State of Wildlife Report every decade. The first report was delivered in 2012 and reported on trends and statuses between 1997 and 2007. The 2020 report focuses on the period between 2007 and 2020. The reports contain information on the status of wildlife species in PEI, with particular focus to species at risk or species of management or conservation concern; land use trends and the status of wildlife habitat; FFW and partner wildlife monitoring initiatives; and FFW programs like license and fees, permitting and public outreach.


State of Wildlife Reports

State of Wildlife Report (2007) (3.1MB)
Stay tuned! State of Wildlife 2020 Report - Summary of Key Findings Presentation (1.4MB)

Stay tuned! State of Wildlife Report (2020)


State of Wildlife Report Resources

Wild Species Conservation Ranks for PEI 2020


For more information on the State of the Wildlife reports, please contact:

Forests, Fish and Wildlife

183 Upton Road , PO Box 2000

Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Date de publication : 
le 19 Juin 2024
Environnement, Énergie et Action climatique

Renseignements généraux

Division des forêts, de la pêche et de la faune
Pépinière J. Frank Gaudet 
183, chemin Upton
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)  C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-6450

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