Farm Use Assessment Program

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

The Farm Use Assessment Program provides tax relief to resident and non-resident farmland owners who have property leased to bona fide farmers.

Who is eligible?

If you are a property owner who is not a bona fide farmer, you may be eligible for farm use assessment if you:

  • lease or rent clear arable land to a bona fide farmer who operates it as a farm where:
    • the lease or rental agreement for the land is for a minimum of three years; and
    • the total amount of land leased from the person is a minimum of ten acres of clear arable land, but excludes land approved for sub-division as residential, recreational, commercial, industrial or institutional use.

Are there any conditions?

Only the portion of clear land used for farming purposes is eligible for the farm use assessment.

What are land values under the Farm Use Assessment Program?

There are three main classes of farm land.  The assessment value per acre, for each class, are as follows:

Farm Use Assessment Values
Land Class Farm Use Assessment per Acre
Class 2 land $500 per acre
Class 3 land $330 per acre
Class 4 Land $230 per acre

How do I apply?

If you wish to apply to the Farm Assessment Program for Bona fide Farmers, you must complete an Application for Farm Use Assessment (755 Kb) (Demande d’évaluation pour utilization agricole (711 Kb) form and return it to Taxation and Property Records as directed on the form.

Who should I contact if I have questions about the program?

Taxation and Property Records

Phone: (902) 368-4070
Fax:      (902) 368-6164



Disclaimer: This page is prepared for information purposes only, and should not be considered a substitute for the applicable statutes. Should there be any conflict between the contents of this page and the statutes, the statutes shall prevail.


Date de publication : 
le 9 Décembre 2016