Amateur Sport Funding Program

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

What is the Amateur Sport Funding Program?

The Amateur Sport Funding Program provides funding to provincial sport organizations for activities that support the objectives of the Department of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture (Division of Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity). These objectives are aligned with the Canadian Sport Policy 2012 and focus on:

  • Introduction to Sport
  • Recreational Sport
  • Competitive Sport
  • High Performance Sport; and
  • Sport for Development

How much are project grants worth?

There are three key areas of funding within this program: core funding, participation funding, and performance plan funding. Total grants will vary for each provincial sport organization (PSO) based on set criteria and the formal assessment of each PSO application.

What kinds of projects are not eligible for program funding?

A guide book, which describes the types of projects that will be supported with funding, is provided to each PSO.

How do I apply for the program?

Divisional staff will contact each PSO and provide the guide booklets and application forms for each of the three funding areas within the Amateur Sport Funding Program.

Is there a deadline to apply?

Yes, the participation project funding have a deadline (to be determined for fiscal year 2024-25).  The core and performance plan funding are multi-year funding with the current cycle beginning in fiscal year 2024-25 (full details will be shared with the provincial sport organizations).

Is there a fee to apply?

There is no fee to apply.

Are there any special conditions to the program?

Yes, the following criteria need to be met to apply:

  • be a member in good standing with Sport PEI;
  • be a member in good standing with your national sport organization;
  • be up-to-date on your reporting to the Dept. of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture;
  • meet the financial accountability policy of the Dept. of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture;
  • be an incorporated not-for-profit (Part II) company in the province of PEI; and
  • hold an annual meeting for your membership.

For further information:

Name: Margie Misener
Telephone: (902) 368-4789


Date de publication : 
le 30 Avril 2024
Pêches, Tourisme, Sport et Culture

Renseignements généraux

Ministère des Pêches, du Tourisme, du Sport et de la Culture
Immeuble Shaw, 3ème étage (nord)
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-5956