Aqua Info Notes

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

Listed below ia a series of fact sheets on issues related to the PEI aquaculture industry.

Listed below are fact sheets that are available upon request:

  • AIN 22.2009 Control of Green Algae on Mussel Seed Collectors
  • AIN 21.2005 Clubbed Tunicate Life Cycle
  • AIN 20.2005 Sanitary Testing of Molluscan Shellfish
  • AIN 19.2005 Invasive Tunicates of Concern for PEI Aquaculture
  • AIN 18.2005 Oyster Production in PEI
  • AIN 17.2005 Finfish Aquaculture in PEI
  • AIN 16.2004 Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning: Domoic Acid Production by Pseudo-nitzschia
  • AIN 15.2003 Recirculation Technology in Finfish Aquaculture
  • AIN 14.2003 Assessment of the Notata Quahaug for Aquaculture in PEI
  • AIN 13.2003 Overwintering Trials of the notata Quahaug in PEI
  • AIN 12.2003 Mussel Culture in PEI
  • AIN 11.2003 Performance Advantages of Sterile Triploid Mussels
  • AIN 10.2002 Codium fragile Treatment Trials
  • AIN 09.2001 Parasitic Castrators in Blue Mussels
  • AIN 08.2001 Evaluation of Floating Bags in Off Bottom Oyster Culture
  • AIN 07.2001 Comparing Subtidal and Intertidal Growth in Off Bottom Oyster Culture
  • AIN 06.2001 Soft Shell Clam Neoplasias
  • AIN 05.2001 Quahaug Parasite Unknown ("QPX")
  • AIN 04.2001 Evaluation of Oyster Seed Sources on PEI
  • AIN 03.2001 Removal of Marine Worms from the Surface of Oyster Shells Using Salt Brine
  • AIN 02.2001 Evaluation of Stocking Density in Off Bottom Oyster Culture
  • AIN 01.2001 Mycotic Slouging Periostracum (MSP) in Mussels
Date de publication : 
le 8 Février 2023
Pêches, Tourisme, Sport et Culture

Renseignements généraux

Ministère des Pêches, du Tourisme, du Sport et de la Culture
Immeuble Shaw, 3ème étage (nord)
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-5956