Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture Mandate Letter

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Honourable Cory Deagle

Minister of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture
3rd Floor Shaw North
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Dear Minister Deagle,

I am pleased to have you serve as the Minister of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture.   

On April 3, 2023, we were given a mandate by Islanders to continue to work towards building a brighter, bolder, and better future for our province.  We made a commitment to work with Islanders, and for Islanders – and that motto should be the basis of how you conduct yourself in your actions as Minister.  We must engage Islanders, have real conversations, and put the interest of Islanders at the heart of every decision we make as a government.

Over the last four years we have proven to Islanders that we can navigate many challenges.  We must continue to show courage, strength and above all else, leadership when it comes to the challenges we are faced with.   Change is sometimes difficult, but with your proven ability to stand up and meet challenges head-on, I’m confident that you will make the best decisions to move our province forward.  

Our government has always led with positivity and has served with humility and kindness.  I expect this to continue in our second mandate.   We have shifted the political landscape in PEI to be more collaborative in nature.  I have always said, it doesn’t matter where good ideas come from – if it’s a good idea, and it improves the lives of Islanders – we should consider it.   I want you to have regular communication with your legislative colleagues on all sides of the Legislature to provide opportunities for input and feedback.

As Minister, you and your leadership team will play a critical role in contributing to the commitments we have made to Islanders.  You are responsible for the conduct of the department you oversee and must be aware and adhere to the values of the public service in your interactions with the Islanders and the public service.  Most importantly, you have Cabinet Colleagues that serve alongside of you; whenever and wherever possible, you should work collaboratively with them to break down silos and reduce barriers to accessing services by working together across Departments.  

As Minister of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport & Culture, you will:

  • Rebuild lost infrastructure and equipment from Hurricane Fiona in provincial parks and for the fisheries industry;
  • Partner with the Fisherman’s Association to provide funding to develop a made in PEI, for PEI, e-log solution to comply with the mandate from DFO to have an electronic log system by 2024;
  • Support the fishery sector by increasing access to dredging service;
  • Invest in technological advancements to reduce waste and create value-added products in our fishing industry;
  • Provide assistance for housing supports to help grow the workforce in fisheries;
  • Promote and market Island fish and shellfish products to new and existing markets;
  • Working with Innovation PEI, invest in our arts and culture community to promote and grow Island talent;
  • Invest $10 Million in Provincial Parks across the province to modernize and enhance the programs, amenities, and services they bring to rural communities;
  • Provide multi-year funding agreements for Community festivals and events;
  • Provide $1 Million to the Charlottetown Airport Authority to re-establish connections to key Canadian destinations and work with regional carriers to open up new tourism markets in Atlantic Canada;
  • Establish labour incentives to assist the tourism sector in staffing hard-to-fill positions, with a focus on the shoulder seasons;
  • Facilitate the development of interactive tourism products in rural PEI by utilizing the island's rich history and cultural heritage to create engaging experiences for visitors; focusing on key attractions such as the Confederation Trail;
  • Work with industry on reducing regulatory barriers to expanding rental car availability;
  • Cooperate and collaborate with the federal government to provide shore-side power at the Charlottetown Port to attract more cruise ships, especially in the shoulder seasons;
  • Working with Innovation PEI, promote Charlottetown as a Music City destination;
  • Establishing a $25 Million Community Infrastructure Program to assist communities in retrofitting and upgrading key community facilities;
  • Launch a $5 Million Fund for retrofitting warming centres with appropriate equipment and supplies to support communities during weather events;
  • Working with Innovation PEI, support upgrades to the Confederation Centre of the Arts;
  • Maximize the opportunities offered with the reopening of Province House;
  • Work with the Tourism sector, continue to expand offerings for tourism in the Fall, Winter and Spring seasons;
  • Work with Sport PEI and the provincial sport organizations, ensure that sport organizations receive training on inclusivity and anti-racism and have the appropriate mechanisms to deal with incidents of racism when they occur;
  • Work with the sports community and Tourism PEI, expand sport-tourism opportunities for Prince Edward Island;
  • Increase the income threshold for KidSport funding to provide up to $600 per child to participate in sports and recreational activities for any household that earns under $80,000; and
  • Work with the Chief Public Health Office, promote physical activity for all age groups and work with community partners to offer low-cost or no-cost physical activity opportunities;

While you accomplish your work, I ask that you assess the impacts of each policy decision by using evidence-based tools and frameworks to ensure we always consider the impacts on climate, gender, diversity, and vulnerable individuals before implementing a decision.  

As we progress through our mandate, we will work together to identify further refinement and priorities of focus.  We must be nimble as a government and be able to adapt to the realities of what Islanders are facing each and every day. To do this, I ask that you have regular outreach with key stakeholders connected to your department and the work that your department does.  Along with the leadership in your department, I ask that you regularly communicate with stakeholders and community organizations.  

I look forward to working with you to improve the lives of all Islanders.


Hon. Dennis King
Premier of Prince Edward Island
CC.     Michele Koughan, Deputy Minister – Department of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Date de publication : 
le 8 Août 2023
Pêches, Tourisme, Sport et Culture

Renseignements généraux

Ministère des Pêches, du Tourisme, du Sport et de la Culture
Immeuble Shaw, 3ème étage (nord)
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-5956