
MacLean recognized nationally – again – for doctor recruitment

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Her work to bring nearly 300 doctors to Prince Edward Island over the past 10 years has earned Sheila MacLean a lifetime achievement award from her peers across Canada.

This is, in fact, MacLean’s second national recognition award. In 2012, the Department of Health and Wellness' physician recruitment coordinator was named recruiter of the year for Canada. Now, this lifetime achievement award from the Canadian Association of Staff Physician Recruiters recognizes the talent she brings to her work.

The association helps physician recruiters from coast to coast share best practices, techniques, and tools for recruitment and retention.

“Sheila's spirit and infectious sense of humor is felt throughout the office every day,” said her colleague Cathy Sinclair. “She passes this on to every physician she works with, which is clearly represented in the reciprocal professional respect over her 32-year career in provincial government.”

The award was a surprise to MacLean, who admits that it takes a certain skill set to do the job.

“You’re representing the province but also physicians, so there are a lot of negotiation and conflict-resolution skills needed. I love my job. It’s demanding but I love meeting people. People motivate me.”

MacLean says she is encouraged about the future of medicine on Prince Edward Island with the new Family Medicine Residency Program. The program is designed to help address the family physician vacancies expected when local doctors over age 60 begin to retire.

“This is a very positive step for the province,” she said. “We are home-growing our doctors and have an 85 per cent retention rate with the program.”

In the meantime, MacLean continues to work to bring quality medical professionals to the province to care for Islanders.

“It takes someone with heart, who is sensitive to people’s needs,” she said. “I am honest – that is probably what works for me.”

Renseignements généraux

Ministère de la Santé et du Mieux-être

Secrétariat au recrutement et au maintien de l’effectif

Immeuble Sullivan, 3e étage
16, rue Fitzroy, C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-620-3874
Télécopieur : 902-620-3875

