Watershed Management Fund

The Watershed Management Fund provides financial support to community-based watershed groups on Prince Edward Island.

Who receives support from the Watershed Management Fund?

The fund supports the work of the  PEI Watershed Alliance and approximately 24 community-based watershed groups across PEI.  Click here to view the funding that has been allocated to watershed groups over the past several years. 

What types of projects are supported?

Funding is provided for the following:

  • watershed management and planning projects
  • watershed organizational and capacity-building projects 
  • watershed management plan preparation
  • specific measures that address non-point source pollution 
  • erosion and sedimentation control projects 
  • agricultural run-off control projects 
  • wildlife habitat enhancement projects 
  • upland, wetland, riparian, and stream habitat enhancement 
  • projects that support biodiversity
  • projects that promote watershed or habitat education and awareness 
  • research 
  • Community-based outreach projects 

How is funding allocated?

Under the Watershed Management Funding formula, 50 per cent of the funds are allocated based on size (area managed); 25 per cent based on performance, 12.5 per cent based on leveraging (or funds raised from other sources), and 12.5 per cent based on community involvement.

The formula is reviewed each year and may be adjusted as needed based on feedback from groups and the PEI Watershed Alliance. Funding reports may be found under Resources on the right hand side of this page.

How can I apply?

There is no application. Only the PEI Watershed Alliance and its' 24 members are eligible for funding and funds are distributed in accordance with the Watershed Management Funding formula. ,

Is there a deadline for submitting an application?

See above

How long will my application take to be processed?

Initial funds are usually released to groups in May of each year. Funding decisions are usually made in April of each year.

What are the fees?

There is no fee to apply.

Who can I contact for more information?

Watershed Ecologist
183 Upton Rd Charlottetown
Telephone: 902-368-4683


Published date: 
April 2, 2024