Provincial Apprenticeship Board

To oversee apprenticeship programs on PEI, and to provide insight towards further regulation of all apprenticeship activities.

What is the function of the board?

The role of this board is to assist the Lieutenant Governor in Council in:

  • (a) prescribing the form of apprenticeship agreements, the duties, responsibilities and privileges of parties to apprenticeship agreements;
  • (b) prescribing the terms and conditions upon which certificates may be issued, renewed, replaced, suspended or cancelled;
  • (c) providing for the issuing of certificates to persons from other provinces;
  • (d) prescribing forms of application and fees for examination and the issuing of certificates;
  • (e) providing for the payment of allowances to apprentices while they are attending full-time training courses in related technical training in a trade;
  • (f) prescribing the conditions of payment and the amount of allowances; and
  • (g) prescribing the qualifications and minimum age of persons who may become apprentices in any designated trade.

Primary Role:  Non-adjudicative

Material Role:  Advisory 

How many people are on the board?

The Board shall be composed of:

  • (a) three persons representative of employers;
  • (b) three persons representative of employees;
  • (c) one person representing Holland College;
  • (d) one or more members at large; and
  • (e) a chairperson.

What are the requirements of board members?

Formal Qualifications: Largely dependent on the position being applied for.

Work & Experience Requirements: Largely dependent on the position being applied for.

Skills Required: Mediation and tribunal skills. An understanding of business and apprenticeship in PEI.

What are the nomination requirements?

Statutory Nomination Requirements
The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall appoint all members.

Will I be paid?

Chair - $113/diem and Members - $73/diem

What is the time commitment of the board?

Frequency of meetings regulated by members.

Each member of the Board shall be appointed for a three year term, and members may be reappointed. Where a person has served two consecutive terms that person may not be re-appointed until three years after the expiry of that person's last term of office.

Apprenticeship Board - Members
Name County Term Start Term End
Christopher Lee, Chairperson Queens Aug 14, 2024 Sept 18, 2026
Craig Dauphinee, Holland College Representative Queens Jan 23, 2024 Jan 23, 2027
Jeff Stewart Queens Aug 14, 2024 Aug 14, 2027
Chris Maye Queens Sept 18, 2023 Sept 18, 2026
Savannah MacKinnon Kings Sept 18, 2023 Sept 18, 2026
Charles Small, Employee Representative Queens Sept 18, 2023 Sept 18, 2026
Emma Matheson Queens Sept 18, 2023 Sept 18, 2026
Chloe MacKinnon, Employee Representative Queens Dec 21, 2021 Dec 21, 2024
Cody Flood, Employer Representative Queens Dec 21, 2021 Dec 21, 2024
Justin Cheverie Kings Sept 18, 2023 Sept 18, 2026
Dustin Jewell Queens Aug 14, 2024 Aug 14, 2027

How can I apply? 

If you would like to serve as a member of a provincial government agency, board, or commission (ABC) you can apply online through Engage PEI.


For further information about this committee, you may contact:

Grant Sweet
Director of Training Programs

Published date: 
August 28, 2024
Executive Council Office

General Inquiries

Executive Council Office
5th Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

General Inquiries:
Phone: 902-368-4502
Fax: 902-368-6118

Engage PEI Inquiries: 

Visit Engage PEI to learn more about serving as a member of an agency, board or commission (ABC).
Engage PEI