New tobacco and nicotine vaping laws came into force on March 1, 2020 in Prince Edward Island.

  • The minimum age for purchasing tobacco and nicotine vaping products increased to age 21.
  • If you were already 19 when the minimum age increase came into effect, then you are still able to purchase products.
  • Nicotine vaping products are only available in stores designated as “tobacconist shops” – these stores are age-restricted, meaning that only people who are of legal age to purchase products can enter them.

An additional regulation will come into force on March 1, 2021.

  • The sale of flavoured vaping products (with the exception of tobacco flavour) will be prohibited.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am 19 years old now. Will I still be able to buy cigarettes and nicotine vaping products after March 1, 2020?

If you turned 19 by March 1, 2020, you will still be able to buy tobacco and nicotine vaping products. There will be a transition period of two years: while the minimum age for buying tobacco and nicotine vaping products is increasing to 21, everyone who is 19 years of age by March 1st 2020 will still be permitted to purchase these products.

Where will I be able to buy nicotine vaping products?

Nicotine vaping products will be available to purchase in stores designated as a “tobacconist shop” – these stores are (1) age-restricted, meaning that only people who are legal age to purchase products can enter them, and (2) their primary business is the sale of tobacco and/or nicotine vaping products.

Where will I be able to buy flavoured vaping products?

The only flavoured nicotine vaping products permitted for sale are “tobacco flavoured.” They will only be available to purchase in stores designated as a “tobacconist shop.”  

Where will I be able to buy cigarettes after March 1st 2020?

Cigarettes and other tobacco products will still be available for sale in the same places they were available before March 1st 2020 (e.g., convenience stores, gas stations, smoke shops etc.).

Why are these new laws being put into place?

The intention of these new laws is to protect youth by reducing the access and appeal of vaping products. Youth vaping in PEI has increased by over 50% in the past five years. These laws build on existing laws that also restrict the advertising and promotion of these products to youth.

What legislation contains the new laws?

The new laws were made by amending the Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Device Sales and Access Act and regulations.

I’m a retailer of tobacco and/or nicotine vaping products – where can I find information regarding the retail of these products? 

Information for retailers can be found here.

How will the government check to see if retailers are following the new laws?

Provincial environmental health officers will continue to engage in education, inspections and compliance checks on retailers.

Will these laws also apply to vaping products that don’t have nicotine?

Yes, these laws will apply to vaping products both with and without nicotine.

Published date: 
February 25, 2021