Property Assessment Referral and Appeal

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This section provides information for property owners on how to request a property assessment review.

What do I do if I think my property assessment is wrong and I have questions?

If you have questions or would like to discuss the property assessment value assigned to your property with a property assessor contact Taxation and Property Records at (902) 368-4070.

How do I appeal my property assessment if I do not agree that it accurately reflects the market value?

If you disagree with the market value assessment on your property you can start the Referral of Property Assessment process.

Referral of Property Assessment

The Referral of Assessment period is a 90 day period which begins on the date a Notice of Property Assessment is mailed to the property owner.  Each time you receive a Notice of Property Assessment you have a 90 day period to “refer the assessment” for review.

If you choose to refer your assessment, complete the following steps:

  • Determine the Referral Closing Date. You can find this date on Page 4 of the Statement of Account - Property Charges (property tax bill) or Amended Statement of Account – Property Charges (amended property tax bill) immediately below the  mailing address section.
  • Complete the form on Page 4 of the Statement of Account - Property Charges (property tax bill) or Amended Statement of Account – Property Charges (amended property tax bill) documenting the reason(s) why you feel your assessment should be reviewed.
  • Submit the form to Taxation and Property Records as directed on the form on or before the Referral Closing Date.

You will receive a letter of acknowledgement confirming that your Referral of Property Assessment has been received and indicating that a representative of the Taxation and Property Records Division will be contacting you to review your concerns, and if necessary, arrange for a site inspection of the property.

It is important to note that property tax instalments are due May 31st, August 31st, and November 30th.  To avoid interest charges, we would strongly recommend that you pay the instalment amounts as documented on your Statement of Account - Property Charges (property tax bill) ) or Amended Statement of Account – Property Charges (amended property tax bill) on or before the due date.  Any adjustment resulting from your referral will be refunded or credited to your account.

Upon completion of the Referral of Property Assessment process you will receive a decision letter outlining the results of the review.  The decision letter will indicate that your property assessment has been CONFIRMED or VARIED:

  • If your property assessment is CONFIRMED, the property assessor has determined that the market value assessment of your property is fair and uniform.
  • If your property assessment is VARIED, the property assessor has determined that a change in market value assessment is warranted.  The decision letter will document an adjusted market value assessment and the reason(s) for adjustment.

What if I do not agree with my property assessment after the Referral of Property Assessment process?

If you are not satisfied with the Referral of Property Assessment decision from Taxation and Property Records you can appeal the decision to the Island Regulatory Appeals Commission (IRAC).  You have 21 days from the date that Taxation and Property Records mailed the referral decision letter, outlining the results of the referral review, to appeal that decision. Information on how to file an appeal is included with the decision letter. You will have to appear before IRAC and explain why you disagree with the assessment. Staff from the Taxation and Property Records Division will also appear to explain why they think the assessment is fair. You do not need a lawyer to appear before IRAC.

The Commission will make one of the following decisions:

  • dismiss the appeal;
  • allow the appeal, and direct the Minister of Finance to withdraw or to make specific variations in the assessment; or
  • refer the assessment back to the Minister for reassessment.

IRAC decisions come into effect January 1 of the year in which you filed your appeal. Any changes required to be made by the Minister must be made within 30 days after the Commission makes its decision.

If you choose to appeal to IRAC, complete the following steps:

  • Determine the date documented on the Disposition letter received from Taxation and Property Records at the conclusion of the Referral of Property Assessment process.
  • Calculate the deadline for submitting an appeal to IRAC.  You have 21 days from the date documented on the decision letter received from Taxation and Property Records at the conclusion of the Referral of Property Assessment process.

Once you have submitted your appeal, you will receive further direction from IRAC.  General information on the appeal process can be found on the IRAC website under Appeals – Tax – Frequently Asked Questions.

What if I do not agree with my property assessment after the Appeal to IRAC process?

If you are not satisfied with the decision from IRAC, you can appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of PEI.


Disclaimer: This page is prepared for information purposes only, and should not be considered a substitute for the applicable statutes. Should there be any conflict between the contents of this page and the statutes, the statutes shall prevail.
Date de publication : 
le 9 Décembre 2016