Tourism Website French Translation Support Program

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

This program provides support for website French translation services for private sector operators providing services to Francophone visitors on PEI. The purpose is to increase the web presence of tourism products and services available in French on PEI.

What do I need to apply for the program?

As an operator, you must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • contribute a minimum of 25% of the total translation costs
  • be active in the tourism industry as a member in good standing of either the regional tourism association in your area and/or the Tourism Industry Association of PEI (TIAPEI).
  • be licensed in good standing (i.e. inspected, water tests, occupancy reports and paid licence fees).
  • receive a quote from an incorporated/registered company.
  • contract translation to an incorporated/registered company.
  • sign off on work completed to your satisfaction.​ The Tourism PEI contribution will be paid directly to the company upon receipt of a completed work satisfaction form.
  • identify the level of French language service available: “bilingual services”; “some French services” or “no French services” as per the visitor’s guide.
  • clearly represent the level of French service indicated on websites so that a visitor can make informed decisions, including times of the year French services are available and if correspondence in French is a service.
  • enhanced support is also available to regional tourism and tourism sector associations for the translation of regional or tourism sector or strategic provincial websites.

My website is French. Can I get support to translate it into English?

Yes, funds may be used to translate French-only tourism product websites to English. Operators will identify the level of English services provided “bilingual services”, “some English services” or “no English services”. 

What does the program not support?

Funds are not available to create new websites.

How are funds allocated?

The maximum contribution is $750. Funds are allocated on a first-come-first served basis.

How do I apply?

Fill out the Tourism Website French Translation Support Program Form and submit it to the address below.

Trent Birt
Manager, Tourism Activation Unit
Tourism PEI
PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE CIA 7N8

Telephone: 902-620-3126

Date de publication : 
le 12 Février 2024
Tourisme Î.‑P.‑É.

Renseignements généraux

Tourisme Î.-P.-É.
Immeuble Shaw, 3e étage
105, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Ligne d'information pour les visiteurs : 1-800-463-4734 
Réception du Tourisme Î.-P.-É. : 902-368-5540 
Ligne de soutien pour l’industrie 1-866-213-7521

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