Espèces aquacoles
Image caption: Mussel growers inspecting their crop in Malpeque Bay, PEI.
What is the mission of the Aquaculture Division?
The mission of the Aquaculture Division is to provide quality advice, assistance and information to the aquaculture and estuarial...
There is an important hatchery focused salmon and rainbow trout finfish industry on Prince Edward Island that supplies eggs, fingerlings, fry and smolt for grow out at sites in NS, NB and Nfld. The hatchery products are produced in two Atlantic salmon...
Mussel Monitoring Program Image caption: Mussel growers inspecting their crop in Malpeque Bay, PEI.
Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) are the predominant aquaculture species on Prince Edward Island. The Island mussel culture industry represents 80% of...
The presence of multinuclear sphere X (MSX) in some PEI oyster harvst sites is a serious concern for the PEI oyster aquaculture industry. MSX is a parasite that is not harmful to humans but hinders oyster growth and increases oyster mortality.