Cannabis and Driving

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Driving while impaired by any drug, including cannabis, is illegal. Drivers who have used cannabis are up to six times more likely to get into a motor vehicle collision than drivers who are not impaired.

Rules on driving and cannabis

Impaired driving by any drug, including cannabis, is illegal. If you fail a standard field sobriety test, you could face provincial and criminal charges and fines. There will be additional charges and fines if you drive impaired with a minor in the car.

You can not drive any vehicle while consuming cannabis. When you are driving, cannabis must be out of reach to the driver. Cannabis can't be used by passengers either. 

How can police detect cannabis impaired driving?

Police officers are trained to conduct roadside assessments and more police officers are trained as drug recognition experts.

Oral screening devices that detect the presence of cannabis are now in use by law enforcement in PEI..

Can an adult consume cannabis in a boat or motor vehicle?

No, however, exceptions do apply for boats and motor vehicles that qualify as private dwellings when docked. 

Can an adult transport cannabis in a boat or motor vehicle?

Yes, the laws for transporting cannabis are similar to those in place for transporting liquor.

What are the consequences if you are caught driving while impaired by drugs?

An impaired driver is subject to criminal charges under the Criminal Code of Canada as well as other penalties under the Highway Traffic Act.

Is there a certain limit I can smoke and legally drive? 

Impaired driving by any drug, including cannabis, is illegal.

Police officers are trained to detect impairment. If you fail a standard field sobriety test, a drug recognition expert will be called and if this officer detects impairment, you could face provincial and federal charges and fines.

The Government of Canada to working with provincial governments to provide equipment and training to law enforcement officials with respect to identifying drug impaired drivers. There will be additional charges and fines if you drive impaired with a minor in the car. You can’t drive any vehicle while consuming cannabis. When you are driving, cannabis must be inaccessible to the driver.

Are police officers equipped to detect cannabis-impaired drivers?

Yes, if you fail a standard field sobriety test, a drug recognition expert is called. If this officer detects impairment, you could face provincial and federal charges and fines.

What are the fines for being impaired by cannabis when driving?

Driving while impaired will lead to the similar fines and charges as drunk driving. Know the consequences of impaired driving.

Date de publication : 
le 11 Janvier 2019

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Ministère des Finances
Immeuble Shaw, 2e étage (sud)
95, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-4040
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