Galerie historique des premiers ministres

Consultez la galerie historique des premiers ministres pour vous renseigner sur la vie des premiers ministres de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Une photo et une courte biographie sont fournies pour chaque personne qui a servi la province.

Galerie des premiers ministres
Image Nom du premier ministre Années de service
Portrait image of George Coles, first premier of Prince Edward Island George Coles 1851-1854, 1855-1859, 1867-1869
Portrait of John Holl John Holl 1854-1855
Portrait of Edward Palmer Edward Palmer 1859-1863
Portrait of John Hamilton Gray John Hamilton Gray 1863-1865
Portrait of JC Pope J.C. Pope 1865-1867, 1870, 1873
Portrait of Hensley Joseph Hensley 1869
Portrait of Robert Poore Haythorne Robert Poore Haythorne 1869 to 1870, 1871 to 1873
Portrait of Lemuel Cambridge Owen Lemuel Cambridge Owen 1873 to 1876
Portrait of Sir Louis Henry Davies Sir Louis Henry Davies 1876 to 1879
Portrait of William Wilfred Sullivan William Wilfred Sullivan  1879 to 1889
Portrait of Neil McLeod Neil McLeod 1889 to 1891
Portrait of Frederick Peters Frederick Peters 1891 to 1897
Portrait of Alexander Bannerman Warburton Alexander Bannerman Warburton 1897 to 1898
Portrait of Donald Farquharson Donald Farquharson 1899 to 1901
Portrait of Arthur Peters Arthur Peters 1901 to 1908
Portrait of Francis Longworth Haszard Francis Longworth Haszard 11908 to 1911
Portrait of H. James Palmer H. James Palmer 1911
Portrait of John Alexander Mathieson John Alexander Mathieson 1911 to 1917
Portrait of Aubin-Edmond Arsenault Aubin-Edmond Arsenault 1917 to 1919
Portrait of John Howatt Bell John Howatt Bell 1919 to 1923
Portrait of James David Stewart James David Stewart 1923 to 1927, 1931 to 1933
Portrait of Albert Charles Saunders Albert Charles Saunders 1927 to 1930
Portrait of Walter Maxfield Lea Walter Maxfield Lea  1930 to 1931, 1935 to 1936
Portrait of Dr. William J.P. MacMillan Dr. William J.P. MacMillan 1933 to 1935
Portrait of Thane A. Campbell Thane A. Campbell 1936 to 1943
Portrait of John Walter Jones John Walter Jones 1943 to 1953
Portrait of Alexander W. Matheson Alexander W. Matheson 1953 to 1959
Portrait of Walter Russell Shaw Walter Russell Shaw 1959 to 1966
Portrait of Alexander Bradshaw Campbell Alexander B. Campbell 1966 to 1978
Portrait of William Bennett Campbell William Bennett Campbell 1978 to 1979
Portrait of J. Angus MacLean J. Angus MacLean 1979 to 1981
Portrait of James Matthew Lee James Matthew Lee 1981 to 1986
Portrait of Joseph Atallah Ghiz Joseph Atallah Ghiz 1986 to 1993
Portrait of Catherine Sophia Callbeck Catherine Sophia Callbeck 1993 to 1996
Portrait of Keith Milligan Keith Milligan 1996
Portrait of Pat Binns Pat Binns 1996 to 2007
Portrait of Robert Ghiz Robert Ghiz 2007 to 2015
Portrait of Wade H. MacLauchlan Wade H. MacLauchlan 2015 to 2019
Portrait of Dennis King Dennis King 2019 to present


Date de publication : 
le 3 Mars 2020
Bureau du premier minister

Renseignements généraux

Bureau du premier minister
Immeuble Shaw, 5e étage (sud)
95, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-4400
Télécopieur : 902-368-4416