Sanctions relatives à la conduite
Some driving behaviours and modifications to motor vehicles can be illegal and incredibly unsafe. Prohibited driving behaviours and vehicle modifications include the following:
Street Racing
Racing on highways and city streets and performing stunts...
Your vehicle may be taken from you and stored for a period of time (impounded) if you are charged and/or convicted of certain motor vehicle offences or short term driver license suspensions. If your vehicle is impounded, all costs and charges for the...
Prince Edward Island is a member of the Canadian Driver Licence Compact. This compact means that traffic violation information is exchanged between all Canadian provinces. If you receive a ticket for a traffic violation or if you are convicted of a...
En plus de protéger le public contre les automobilistes qui abusent de leur privilège de conduire, le système de points d'inaptitude encourage les conducteurs à améliorer leur comportement. Les points d'inaptitude inscrits au dossier de conduite ont des...